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Should Hollywood Be involved in Politics?



16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Hollywood be used for political means

    • Yes
    • sometimes
    • no

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I absolutely say no to involving Hollywood in politics.

If Actors or the like step into politics, they should do so as individuals.

Not under the name of Hollywood.

To be frank, I doubt any actor with half a brain would even consider hitting politics under the Hollywood name.

They'd appear ridiculous, or very much risk doing so at least.

Politics is already much of a laughing stock in my country, let's not make it worse. (even if I live in Europe :pinch: )


If you however mean that Hollywood should be used for Political means...

I would say Yes. Because the quality of Politics promotions I have to deal with now is plain ridiculous.

But again, that's Belgium for you.


I voted no on the poll for now since I think you meant the former, rather then the latter...If possible, I'll change that if you clarify you meant the latter...

Edited by RJ the Shadow
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I think that it is irresponsible for people as generally irresponsible as famous Hollywood-types tend to be to involve themselves in politics. They often use controversial issues as a means to increase their own public exposure, without caring what the fallout might be or even knowing the details of the issue at hand. Irresponsible is not the same as illegal, however. As long as we keep these folks in money, they'll keep using it to further their personal agendas- as would anyone, I suspect, if they had millions to play with.


I also think that the public needs to not allow itself to be so easily influenced by loud-mouthed famous people who haven't got a clue what they're on about. We ought to have the brainpower to put two and two together and realize that a person whose expertise is filmmaking or acting might not have the most well-informed views on subjects like foreign policy and economics. It simply doesn't make sense to listen to these fools. If Hollywood is influencing politics, it's because we as a society are dumb enough to let them instead of... oh, I dunno, researching the issues for ourselves.

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I voted no. Are all the glammed up actors and actresses entitled to an opinion? Of course "I may not agree with you opinion but I'll die to defend your right to it." But why should Hollywood be given the satisfaction, privelage and overindulgence of them getting to spew their misguided political opinions (due to their detachment fromt h real world) all over the world's media. They're jobs are to make movies and entertain people not give us advice on who would be the best future president or what we should do in 'X' foreign country because of 'Y' incident. Unless they have a degree in Political Sciences (oxymoron?) and/or Law they really don't have a place dictating foreign policy to the entire world, if anything they have less authority to do so than the common man who actually has something between his ears other than a bunch of hot air, bull s*** and ego. There are far more qualified people who should voice these opinions and we as a nation (America) shouldn't let a bunch of fancy richer-than-sin pretty people decide our lives and have total media dominance like we do. Justin Beiber gets his stupid haircut and it makes nearly evry major news network, someone probably gave millions of dollars to charity and we didn't here about it because we careto much about our 'idols' it's obnoxious and has no place in true, informed politics and national issues. If a movie star is a human or animal rights activist more power to them they're star-power (primarily gained because we're a bunch of media-worshiping mongrols) helps lend support to a worthy cause bt your misinformed head-in-the-mud opinion is not a worthy cause for you to go blathering your botox-injected mouth about.
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If the film maker feels like they want to have a impact on politics and makes a movie about Obama being a gangster or something then why not?


Its part of their freedom to make movies about whatever they want. If it influences politics fine.


I voted sometimes, since I don't think hollywood has to be involved.

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Of course I don't support Hollywood in politics, but due to our current system of government we have no real choice in the matter. Many stars are American citizens, and whether we like it or not they are allowed to express their opinion as are we. The sad part about their legal involvement with politics is that they have the resources to sway people to their side (Whether that side was fermented by a third party with money or not). Although Hollywood is an immoral cesspool of what is wrong with our society, it is a centerpiece in American society. It does both good and bad when it comes to politics (mostly bad mind you), but it is a source of information for the masses in one way or another.


I find myself watching movies less and less as of late, and the ones I do are political documentaries. It gives me a chance to sift through the left wing and right wing agendas of each and measure their validity to other third party sources. Doesn't everyone do that? :D

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