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What does it mean to be human?


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I find this an odd question with so many possible meanings but to me to be human it is like a rose both beautiful and sharp and if you try and grab it the wrong way you will get hurt but grab it correctly it can be very pretty that is what i believe what human is but i would love to hear input and if anyone else has a better or different view on it










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I don't have a pretty metaphor for it, but I don't believe we have much meaning to our existence at all - at least not any meaning that is conceivable/available for our level of understanding. Ultimately, "meaning" is just a human construction that is useless in the grand scheme of things. What do you mean by "grabbing" the rose, by the way? Embracing human nature for its positive aspects versus the negative? Your romanticization is interesting, nonetheless. I doubt you'll find any answers in this thread or elsewhere, but I hope you enjoy contemplating it :D

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Humanity has always struck me as being more of an inquisitive survivalist that needs to be individual, but needs to be one in a group. We are, after all a social animal, but we also need to prove ourselves individually. We fear showing too much our our individual self for fear of being alienated, so we end up revealing ourselves to a very small segment of society and our true selves only to those we are most comfortable with. This comfort zone only exists within a realm of intimacy we share with our life partners, and we take betrayal of this so deaply that many times we simply refuse to place ourselves in that vulnerable of a position again.


We are merely children in the eyes of the universe and we are just as afraid to find the answers we seek as we are of not finding them. This is why we cling to those who feel as we do, because we need their support to validate the answers we have concocted for the questions we will never fully comprehend.


Our knowledge so incomplete we don't even know the questions we need to ask, so we band together in our ideologies and promote our understanding of our own existences. This is our individual truths and without them our singular importance within the minor snippet of time we live through will seem as irrelevant as it actually is.

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Both excellent answers and what i meant by grabbing the rose is that in my mind humans depending how you look can either be very destructive or kind and something i often say as i look at our world this is the world we have created for ourselves from the marvelous to the destructive we are what we want to be what our world is how we envision what we want it to be and do please forgive my romanticization of what i say :geek: :laugh:





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Life is not fair and many times it's not even kind. I got into and argument one time with a guy that was stuck on the idea that life should be more fair as if that would make it reasonable.


I told him that If life was fair, every man would look like Brad Pitt. I look more like arm pitt.


It's apart of the human psyche that we are attracted to the design of the face and body before we are attracted to anything else. We live and breath in a superficial society that is driven by sensationalism and addicted to self centered ideals of perfection.


We look more at how we can perfect a better appearance than a better character and those who we raise up after us are following in our footsteps.

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well old hand i present you with a question then what does humanity want? or what is its sort of end goal or does one even exist? and also when you say life is unfair do you say this from your own perspective (your own life experiences ect.) or from a neutral stand point?

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well old hand i present you with a question then what does humanity want? or what is its sort of end goal or does one even exist? and also when you say life is unfair do you say this from your own perspective (your own life experiences ect.) or from a neutral stand point?



The goal of all things is to increase. The end game comes when life ceases and those who want more fight over the excesses of those who pass away. Property is valuable only to those who value it and it is these people who cause the most grief and perpetrate the most destruction on world, because they prize it above all humanity. As far as the fairness in life, it begins and ends with the first breath for all humanity begins equaly with that first breath, but after that the situation surrounding the person born will come into effect.

Beyond that, it is the effort put into life that will garnishes the most out of life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting discussion! Maybe you guys can help me with an idea/thought process I am working through. It goes like this: Most people would agree that some things are inhumane right? For example: the holocaust, animal abuse, etc... Basically humans shouldn't do somethings. Of course what people think these are will differ from culture to culture.


Here is an example: Suppose Random Guy thinks that beating his puppy is wrong (inhumane). Random Guy also thinks that it is wrong (inhumane) for people everywhere, no matter what culture they are in, to beat puppies. This would imply, I think, that the wrongness or inhumaness is not derived from culture, society, or individuals (because it is wrong for everyone, everywhere).


So, if it is inhumane, which is to say that humans aren't supposed to act this way, to beat puppies, and this truth doesn't come from within or from culture/society, where did it come from? --- this also implies that there is some kind of standard or rules that humans should follow or be like.


If Random Guy says "to beat puppies is de-humanizing for everyone" and it is true, where did the rules for being human come from?


Sorry for the long post! There is more to it but read this and see if you can follow my convoluted thought process...

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