Fatalmasterpiece Posted January 15, 2011 Share Posted January 15, 2011 Why couldn't TES have VATS? Do you seriously think by that it's meant that the game should have a PIPboy and vats? :teehee: Of course it doesn't have to be called that or even look like that, it just should give the user the ability to target certain body parts for different effects. Looking at it from this point of view something similar to VATS or ironsights could be implemented to the aiming of a bow without departing from the Medieval atmosphere. It would be representative of a marksman's ability to squint one eye and focus on his target. Just change the sound effect from that hydraulic-like thing to the sound of a bow string being pulled and you'd have yourself a winner. Exactly. I usually play a stealthy bow user and it gets pretty boring just firing volley after volley of arrows at targets, espectially at higher level when it may take 100+ arrows just to kill something. Using something similar to VATS would make it interesting again and give it some kind of tactic. I'm already really excited about the higher arrow damage but slower pullback time. This means your shots will really count. 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaosrex Posted January 15, 2011 Share Posted January 15, 2011 Just to point out that the Perks are allready in the game...,its the devloppers themselfs who said it... Its not just some random guy on the forums who said"...add Perks like FO3 plz!!!..." When they say that they added Perks its more of the line" there will be perks like in Oblivion,but unlike oblivion when you had no idea to what lvl reffer too for your perk,you will see a menu and a tooltip where you actually see your enabled Perk list..." I don't see why the rant,after all FO3 was juste a disguised Oblivion where they added guns!... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hircines alpha werewolf Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 (edited) I think the Locational Damage from FO3 should be implemented but with more force, Acctualy Broken Limbs or Bleeding, not just Modifing a stat. I dont mind the enitre "There should/Shouldn't be VATS" Talk, either way it wont bother me, if it is included as some sort of aderanline fueled slowdown letting you target a spicific body part then that would be fine by me, as long as it is implemented in a TES frendly way. i mean if you dont like it just ignore it. Not like FO3 forces you to use it. ( i dont know about NV As i can't play steam games, i mean i REALLY can't.) which brings me to the thing that acctualy brings a tear to my eye when i think about it, (yes, i'm a diehard TES fan) If Skyrim requires steam i will be shattered, i know it most likely will be on steam but it still hurts. I got a steam game for my birthday last year, (i didn't know it was a steam game at the time) i tried to install it, (i hadn't even had a run in with steam yet) got the error "could not acess master .Dll" or what ever the message is that asks you to connect to the internet. I did soi got on my only internet connection (31.2 Kbps. Dial-up fails so bad. but i can't afford let alone GET anything else out here. You can't get anything, Satalite wont even work here. There's a funny story about the guy from telstra trying to use his Satalite phone but thats off topic.) Downloaded Steam (after disabling my antivirus because it read steam as being dangerous. Ooh how right it was.) Which took about 2 hours and then installed the game, taking a further hour and attempted to play said game, Taking about half an hour just to bring up a message saying "Your connection to the steam network failed." The next day i tried again, got a message saying something along the lines of "this game is not set to be released yet" Even though it had been released for aver a month, later i got another message stating i had to update my game just to launch it! it was a 200MB+ file(!!!), that would take almost 2 whole days on my internet.(which is impossible as my internet will randomly cut out after 12+ hours.) In the end i took the game back and got a refund. Of course people say "Play it on the Xbox then!" but what they dont understand is how much i L O V E moding The elder scrolls/fallout games. My first mod i ever downloaded was for Morrowind. I still have that mod and play Morrowind Regularly. since then i found mods all over the internet, untill i settled in This lovely place/ever raging battle ground we call the nexus. So a Console Version of a Elder scrolls just wont cut it for me. I guess what i'm trying to say is even though i know i'm going to be depressed for an unknown length of time after Skyrim is released i still Can't help Waiting for it's release, looking over everyones ideas, hoping it will be good and stay true to TES. (i still think the line "their defeat was meerly a delay" refers to the Akiviri's defeat at Pale pass (correct me if thats wrong i've been reading too many Oblivion/Morrowind Books and Pale pass was just stuck in my head.) Anyway. Thats my Little Rant/Whine i guess. *I just went way off topic, i posted to just talk about the Vats/perks, and i didn't even say anything about the perks. Guess that just shows how much my mind is focased on PURE FEAR of steam being used for TES:V a what appears to be Single Player Only game. Gah, I almost Scream every time i see that little "SSA" on the game cases now. It's not like it is acctualy stoping any of the piracy, it's acctualy encouraging it for the people who cant use steam. Case in point, the dozens of craked versions of L4D2 on the internet. **Now I dont know if anything i've said will get me banned or in trouble or anything, if i've said anything againts the rules please edit so it isn't against the rules, please. :) Edited January 17, 2011 by hircines alpha werewolf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrpepperkitty Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 I'm afraid you're right. Steam takes good games and just.... meh. The only game that has worked without a content deleting, game crippling, lose all my progressing failures on steam is Mafia 2, all other games: won't go to fullscreen and crash randomly, Civ 5, Won't do multiplayer ,CoD MW2, or just break like once a week, everything else.Only if Steam majorly gets their act together in the next 11 months will I buy a steamed Skyrim, and by that I mean, 1. a help line that doesn't just end up in a message in Washington saying "no tech support", or 2. If they eventually get around to answering my emails or open tech issues, after their prewritten autosent response didn't help (is ur computer on?, is the game installed?, try all these again indefinitely before contacting us etc...) :wallbash: , they just didn't get back to me! :verymad: If steam were my neighbors I would light my poop on fire on their doorstep. Thats how bad they are. I hope my smileys drove home my rant's point, steam SUCKSSS, and with the distributive property, Steam(games on steam)= Sucky games :down: Bethesda please keep away from steam, just stick with the smaller direct download companies who can still hear the customer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hircines alpha werewolf Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 (edited) I Can't totaly agree with the games on steam being bad,(even though i have heard a lot about that) thats somthing i've never encountered due to my inability to acess these games, at all.and i also see what you mean, but for Multiplayer games like Say Mw2 or Black Ops (of which i have played a small amout of at a mate's place) Steam seems like a good idea, if it was implimented for the ONLINE side of the game. But the need to go online to play a single player game, one that has no Multiplayer, one that you bought in a store for a higher price than online is just... Gah. it's like forcing someone to Pay just to eat the food they have already purchased, taken home, cooked and sat down to enjoy. (Obviously you dont Cook a game disk O.o but you see what i mean.) And this will sound a little weird but. i always loved the smell of opening a brand new game case. it felt right. Downloading from the internet doesn't have the same feeling. It just infuriates me, i wanted to buy NV, but noticed it was for Steam. I seriously almost regressed to a 3 year old state and thre a fit, because it hit me, TesV Most likely will be Steam. It felt like someone had just punched me in the face. That and i acctualy laughed the first time i played FO3 and got a perk, i thought, this isn't too much diffrent from oblivions Master skill Bonuses, (master armourer, master block, etc.) dont people see it? these just have options. *I hear you about if Steam was your neighbor, that gave me a laugh. But yeah, Customer Support is second only to game quality. Edited January 17, 2011 by hircines alpha werewolf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheCalliton Posted January 17, 2011 Author Share Posted January 17, 2011 if skyrim is steam, im just not gonna buy iti dont do games that require an internet connection unless they are an MMORPGill just watch youtube videos and cry myself to sleepor get a ps3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WizardOfAtlantis Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 Kinect or Move are both bad ideas for a game like TES. "Dude, look! I'm the best swordfighter ever!" "No... you look more like some guy who belongs in a crazy bin."Hahahaha http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif Maybe motion controllers aren't such a bad idea. All that jumping around, running in place and swinging an imaginary sword should be good exercise for the couch potatoes. :thumbsup:The only problem with Kinect is that with all the different things you can do in TES you're going to run out of detectable movements and gestures that do something quickly. Accessing the inventory will then require a double summersault!Yeah, and I don't want to step on my cats while I'm doing my spinning lvl 75 power attack. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif I guess what i'm trying to say is even though i know i'm going to be depressed for an unknown length of time after Skyrim is released i still Can't help Waiting for it's release, looking over everyones ideas, hoping it will be good and stay true to TES. (i still think the line "their defeat was meerly a delay" refers to the Akiviri's defeat at Pale pass (correct me if thats wrong i've been reading too many Oblivion/Morrowind Books and Pale pass was just stuck in my head.) Anyway. Thats my Little Rant/Whine i guess.:)I'm really sorry to hear about your woes...that must really be spirit-breaking. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mad.gif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted472477User Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 Part of it is that as the ES series grows in fame and reaches wider audiences, it's attracting ever more console and casual gamers who, up until Oblivion, might never have picked up a Western RPG title in their lives. They have Kinect, or Wii, or what have you, and enjoy them, so it makes sense to them to want the new TES game ported for those platforms. I don't want something like this, because i think if they overextend themselves trying to please everyone, no one will be happy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrpepperkitty Posted January 17, 2011 Share Posted January 17, 2011 [ this will sound a little weird but. i always loved the smell of opening a brand new game case. it felt right. Downloading from the internet doesn't have the same feeling.] I know and I bought a game in the box,enjoyed the smell, but when I installed it autolinked to steam :wallbash: , and now no longer is playable due to major bugging, well technically playable for 3-5 minutes in windowed mode before crashes.2K told me it's steam's problem over tech support, and steam, well, they don't tell me ANYTHING :verymad: Bethesda will do well to avoid them in the future, steams smudged reputation might rub onto them if they collaborate for Skyrim.If we all whine about steam someone might hear. :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hircines alpha werewolf Posted January 18, 2011 Share Posted January 18, 2011 I know and I bought a game in the box,enjoyed the smell, but when I installed it autolinked to steam :wallbash: , and now no longer is playable due to major bugging, well technically playable for 3-5 minutes in windowed mode before crashes.2K told me it's steam's problem over tech support, and steam, well, they don't tell me ANYTHING :verymad: Bethesda will do well to avoid them in the future, steams smudged reputation might rub onto them if they collaborate for Skyrim.If we all whine about steam someone might hear. :smile: And it seems thats all we can hope for. Yeah, i know you can buy game in box that require steam which is what gets on my nerves, have you acctualy looked at some of the games you buy in store and looked for the "SSA" on the box, it's never in the same place and often as small as possible. As though they dont want you to read it prior to purchasing the game. So they have the ability to say it is stated on the box you need a steam account but you also are not warned away from purchasing the game by knowing Steam is a requirement. Almost as though the companys are ashamed of using steam if you think about it. (seriously look how small the print is on the cases.) [i'm really sorry to hear about your woes...that must really be spirit-breaking.] (i forgot/am to lazy to do another propper quote.... Err... >.>) It is Spirit Breaking. The worst thing is there has been no official conformation if Skyrim will be steam or not. (and if there has been i havn't heard yet) The not knowing is just agony. And on the topic of motion controllers i think i my cat would rip my leg off (her mother used to latch on to your leg if you just walked to the toilet in the middle of the night!) if i was plying Skyrim at the middle of the night in the lounge-room with a motion controller (i often stayed up to 1 or 2 in the moring when i got stuck into oblivion.) And imagine trying to cast a levitate spell with a motion controller! "Instructions; Levitation; levitate off the floor for 4 - 8 seconds.Open map: Do a tripple backflip and roll on the floor. Turn/walk: walk forward witout walking into your TV, (see teleportation) Turn left on the spot without turning away from the TV. Remove Greaves: Remove pants. Cast a Teleportation spell: Teletort or if that is to hard a simple soloution is to turn invisible for 1-2 seconds. Unsheath weapon: Pick up nearest similar shaped object, Swing wildly." I'd feel sorry for any axe-shaped animals. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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