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I've been seeing a lot on TV recently. (Just happened to turn on that channel and I was interested) And also a little on the internet.

Firstly, and most obviously, there have supposedly been physical encounters, UFO sightings and crop circles. This isn't the most compelling evidence to me.


Secondly, there are buildings, for example the great pyramid(s), which are built with near impossible precision for people of that time.

The Great Pyramid of Giza stands 450 feet tall (137 meters) and consists of two million blocks of stone, weighing from 2.5 tons up to 50 tons. How would they move and stack these stones?

The three pyramids there are also in similar positions to 'Orion's belt'.




The Great Pyramid is also located at the centre of the Earth's landmass - from what I've heard.


Thirdly, there are similar buildings and structures around the world which have the same high quality of work on them which date back to the ancient era. Builders at the time couldn't have constructed anything with the precision shown.

These buildings also have references to positions of things in space, such as significant planets and constellations.


And lastly, do you think that governments are trying to hide the facts? That they are covering up evidence for these things?



These are things that interest me and I'm not trying to persuade anyone of anything, just starting a debate. And before "TV doesn't always tell the truth" comments, I know but they had some pretty persuasive evidence. :P

I look forward to seeing any replies. :)

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1. Do aliens exist?


It would be stupid to say no.



2. Have aliens visited us?


This is where the serious debate should start. Now you can say whatever you like but it would have been impossible to build such massive structures like the great pyramid in the time of 1 or 2 emperors rule. Not to mention the star alignment and the mathematics it would have taken to build the tunnels and chambers inside correctly.

That being said, no one should believe ancient Egypt was a bunch of slaves who worked with rope and stone. We should be debating about how they got the technology they used, not if they had it or not. I could go on farther but we can't bring up religion into debates.


3. Are aliens visiting us now?


This is something I have more issues believing the the above two, in the past 50 years or so I would think the information would have gotten leaked a bit more. A huge majority of the sighting can be explained easily. A small percentage are unexplained, which could just be secret military tests. I also find it hard to believe aliens would travel inter galactic distances to abduct humans.


4. Why are aliens here? (lets say they are)

Certainly not to do random tests.


I believe they have visited in the past due to the mass amount of proof for it. I doubt they are doing much now. Humans are certainly not alone though.

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Do aliens exist?


All that we know for now that nobody has any hard facts to support any theories revolving around aliens, abduction theories, E.T visitors, etc.

People believe what they want to believe, thats all we need to know about it! I cant recall any event in my life like seeing strange lights,

hearing noises, sensing strange presences when being somewhere that i couldnt just simplify, making a rational and reasonable explanation out of it, knowing that it hasnt anything to do with any aliens!

I have seen a fair lot of pictures, videos, movies, books, blogs and other stuff that revolves around aliens and things connected to them, and i still cant tell if they exist like most of the folks imagine them.

Generally speaking of the little green men, grays, lizard people and other related E.T.-lings i somewhat doubt they look like that.


Have aliens visited us?


The most intriguing thing is what happened around the cold war, when soviet russia and the US were having a war around who of them will have the better equipment...

Since the Roswell incident things where going around, and some may see it only as a cover up for the cold war, but not in a sense to cover the war up literally,

only the intentions that this "maybe" man made incident, was only here to mislead a whole country of thinking that the other one werent doing anything to spy on them, to check for new tech and else.

The military stated that they recovered a experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul",

This would even more support the theory that it had something to do with the upcoming cold war, and to spy on another country.

And we still dont have any proof of alien visitors...


The last two questions are somewhat questionable in my opinion, cause like i said, people believe what they want to believe, and let them think what they want to think!

We still dont have any hard facts...

Do i believe in any of this? That doesnt really matter to me anyway. If they are really here, why making any hassle around it anyway...

That would be the most normal thing in the universe!

Edited by Lexx666
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I believe that aliens exist; there are so many trillions of stars out there that it is impossible for me to imagine that there aren't more advanced civilizations out there somewhere. Considering how many billions of years the Universe has existed for, some of them may well be quite a bit further along than we are.


Do I believe aliens have visited us in the past? I believe that it is possible, but that we do not have enough evidence to say for sure. I believe that the government is hiding secrets with regards to extra-terrestrial activity, but I do not think that The Man is secretly in cahoots with ET. If anything, the government is trying to understand a potential threat, or trying to figure out some recovered technology or other before allowing it to go public- or trying to gain advantage over another Earthly power. I also think that we should not automatically assume that "secrets" means "aliens"- while it is possible that aliens or alien technology could be the secret, it is equally possible that some new and experimental human technology is what's being hidden. Keep in mind that humans went to the moon with 1960s technology, and that stealth aircraft existed for over three decades before the public knew anything about them. The general public never sees the cutting edge of human technological development, yet always seems to assume it knows everything until the next big secret is revealed.


I do not believe that aliens are responsible for any of the wonders of the ancient world. We don't even know that aliens must be more intelligent than we are- we know that they are more advanced if they have the means to reach Earth, but we don't know and have no way of knowing how long it took them to reach that point... or how long it may take us.


I do believe that we underestimate the ingenuity and ability of previous human civilizations. Our technology makes us arrogant; we assume that because as individuals we cannot imagine how a thing might be done without modern technology, that a person who never had that technology could not have come up with another way of accomplishing the same goal. Remember that, as long as you have mathematics, you have the means to build anything your materials will support. Advances in metallurgy made modern structures possible. The theory behind their construction is ages older.


Saying that "aliens did it" is the same as saying "God did it." To ascribe what we do not yet understand to some outside influence is not rational- just because we don't know how an older civilization accomplished its engineering marvels, doesn't mean that they did not know. We know what we know because of the records that have survived from those older civilizations- our advancement as a species goes hand-in-hand with our history. Some of it gets lost along the way... do you document every idea you have? Do you not lose things that you wish you could remember? So does humanity as a whole. Even if we never know precisely how or why, we can reasonably assume that, absent hard evidence to the contrary, humans could and did accomplish great things with a level of technology we consider primitive today.


Who's to say they always got everything right the first time- that they never had to knock out a wall and rebuild it? We only get to look at the ancient world's successes, not its failures. As we do, our ancestors would have erased their mistakes as soon as they found them, and a building project dedicated to a ruler who was revered as a living god would have been under particularly intense scrutiny. Some of the most compelling evidence of who really build these wonders comes from the discovery of those mistakes. When a ruler died before their time, construction would be rushed along. Human errors.


Science is how we further our understanding of the Universe. Science is fluid, not static- if we learn something new that invalidates something we thought we knew before, that does not destroy the foundation of knowledge but rather reinforces it. Who knows... perhaps aliens were watching ancient civilizations. Perhaps when we make contact, they might be able to fill in the gaps in our own historical record and tell us how we did what we did when we did.


So... aliens? Yes. Aliens being responsible for the Rise of Man? Not so much.

Edited by Wrath_Of_Deadguy01
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I believe that aliens exist; there are so many trillions of stars out there that it is impossible for me to imagine that there aren't more advanced civilizations out there somewhere. Considering how many billions of years the Universe has existed for, some of them may well be quite a bit further along than we are.


Do I believe aliens have visited us in the past? I believe that it is possible, but that we do not have enough evidence to say for sure. I believe that the government is hiding secrets with regards to extra-terrestrial activity, but I do not think that The Man is secretly in cahoots with ET. If anything, the government is trying to understand a potential threat, or trying to figure out some recovered technology or other before allowing it to go public- or trying to gain advantage over another Earthly power. I also think that we should not automatically assume that "secrets" means "aliens"- while it is possible that aliens or alien technology could be the secret, it is equally possible that some new and experimental human technology is what's being hidden. Keep in mind that humans went to the moon with 1960s technology, and that stealth aircraft existed for over three decades before the public knew anything about them. The general public never sees the cutting edge of human technological development, yet always seems to assume it knows everything until the next big secret is revealed.


I do not believe that aliens are responsible for any of the wonders of the ancient world. We don't even know that aliens must be more intelligent than we are- we know that they are more advanced if they have the means to reach Earth, but we don't know and have no way of knowing how long it took them to reach that point... or how long it may take us.


I do believe that we underestimate the ingenuity and ability of previous human civilizations. Our technology makes us arrogant; we assume that because as individuals we cannot imagine how a thing might be done without modern technology, that a person who never had that technology could not have come up with another way of accomplishing the same goal. Remember that, as long as you have mathematics, you have the means to build anything your materials will support. Advances in metallurgy made modern structures possible. The theory behind their construction is ages older.


Saying that "aliens did it" is the same as saying "God did it." To ascribe what we do not yet understand to some outside influence is not rational- just because we don't know how an older civilization accomplished its engineering marvels, doesn't mean that they did not know. We know what we know because of the records that have survived from those older civilizations- our advancement as a species goes hand-in-hand with our history. Some of it gets lost along the way... do you document every idea you have? Do you not lose things that you wish you could remember? So does humanity as a whole. Even if we never know precisely how or why, we can reasonably assume that, absent hard evidence to the contrary, humans could and did accomplish great things with a level of technology we consider primitive today.


Who's to say they always got everything right the first time- that they never had to knock out a wall and rebuild it? We only get to look at the ancient world's successes, not its failures. As we do, our ancestors would have erased their mistakes as soon as they found them, and a building project dedicated to a ruler who was revered as a living god would have been under particularly intense scrutiny. Some of the most compelling evidence of who really build these wonders comes from the discovery of those mistakes. When a ruler died before their time, construction would be rushed along. Human errors.


Science is how we further our understanding of the Universe. Science is fluid, not static- if we learn something new that invalidates something we thought we knew before, that does not destroy the foundation of knowledge but rather reinforces it. Who knows... perhaps aliens were watching ancient civilizations. Perhaps when we make contact, they might be able to fill in the gaps in our own historical record and tell us how we did what we did when we did.


So... aliens? Yes. Aliens being responsible for the Rise of Man? Not so much.


I partly agree with you.


I do hate how the only thing people can say to the ancient mysteries is "lul aliens" or "lul ropes stone and evil slave master person!"


I personally think that we had similar technology a long time ago as we have today. I find it hard to believe that in the few hundred thousand years humans have been here that we just started our technology a mere 200 years ago.


I do think that there is some evidence of alien interference though, I am just going to say we can't talk about religion and leave it at that.

Edited by marharth
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I'm sure they do exist, the universe is a big place and I doubt we are some freak occurrence, however I'm yet to see anything that convinces me they're paying us visits or that they ever have done in the past. The incredible distances involved and the fact that our system is out in the sticks makes me think it's extremely unlikely that they have or ever will pay us a visit. The idea that aliens built the Pyramids is a strange one, every single part of the process has been explained and it's amazing what you can achieve with tens of thousands of labourers. Heavy lifting machinery is a relatively new thing and huge structures were constructed all over the world without it, European cathedrals being a good example.
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I'm sure they do exist, the universe is a big place and I doubt we are some freak occurrence, however I'm yet to see anything that convinces me they're paying us visits or that they ever have done in the past. The incredible distances involved and the fact that our system is out in the sticks makes me think it's extremely unlikely that they have or ever will pay us a visit. The idea that aliens built the Pyramids is a strange one, every single part of the process has been explained and it's amazing what you can achieve with tens of thousands of labourers. Heavy lifting machinery is a relatively new thing and huge structures were constructed all over the world without it, European cathedrals being a good example.

Your trying to say that a massive pyramid, one of the biggest structures on the earth was built in 20 years by workers with ropes and stone?


The qaurry was over a mile away from the building site, they would have had to cut out massive blocks of stones and drag it extremely long distances.


You would have to move the stone from the qaurry in around 5 minutes in order to build the pyramid in 20 years, assuming you would be having workers working non stop.

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I'm sure they do exist, the universe is a big place and I doubt we are some freak occurrence, however I'm yet to see anything that convinces me they're paying us visits or that they ever have done in the past. The incredible distances involved and the fact that our system is out in the sticks makes me think it's extremely unlikely that they have or ever will pay us a visit. The idea that aliens built the Pyramids is a strange one, every single part of the process has been explained and it's amazing what you can achieve with tens of thousands of labourers. Heavy lifting machinery is a relatively new thing and huge structures were constructed all over the world without it, European cathedrals being a good example.

Your trying to say that a massive pyramid, one of the biggest structures on the earth was built in 20 years by workers with ropes and stone?


The qaurry was over a mile away from the building site, they would have had to cut out massive blocks of stones and drag it extremely long distances.


You would have to move the stone from the qaurry in around 5 minutes in order to build the pyramid in 20 years, assuming you would be having workers working non stop.


Yes, they would have had 10,000 to 20,000 labourers and all the resources of the state. Why would little green men travel many light years to build one? it doesn't make any sense.

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Only a mile away from the quarries? That's nothing. The bluestones for Stonehenge came from a lot further than that, from the Preseli area of Wales to be precise. As jim_uk says, the workers on the pyramids numbered many thousands at any one time. They were not aliens but highly skilled, and by the standards of the day, very well paid and well fed - excavations around the pyramids and the royal necropolis near Luxor prove that. In fact there was a stele that was found documenting the fact that they would go on strike if they didn't get their pay and rations on time. Thus, great feat of engineering though the pyramids may be, built by aliens...nah, by a well organized workforce.


For myself I am a little sceptical about the existence of aliens...mostly. Then I look at some of the oddballs in politics and showbiz and I begin to wonder.

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