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Strange Texture in Worldspace


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So, i was editing a mountaintop with the world editing tool of the NV-GECK, and somehow came up with this gigantic hill of texture.

I since fixed the navmesh, but had no success in removing this thing. It seems to be just misplaced texture.

NPC are able to walk through, the player too... Can anyone help me? Any ideas how this is caused?



Thank you for any ideas, and sorry for any inconvenience, first post here :wink:

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Well you don't have to regenerate the entire wasteland. You can simply regenerate for the edited blocks, this even works in the wasteland. You can find an example and a little explanation on how to do this on my Baileys Crossing Metro Opened page. In this mod I cleaned out the rubble and landscape to properly open the Metro to Operation Anchorage. I only had to regenerate the block where the metro station was.


Hope this helps.

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LOD land mesh and texture pop error, very typical for when you edit the current existing world LOD. The only way to correct the error is to simply reverse whatever alterations you made to the worldcell to offset the actual terrain mesh which caused the error itself... or... you could generate a new world LOD with the existing changes you have made.

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ok, first at all, thanks guys. Thank you very much for helping me out.


As i understand, LOD is a simplified structure to be displayed while far away, so that the game doesn't need to much memory?

and to edit this, i have to edit the heightmap?

or just edit the terrain to cover this little "hill"?


Anyways, i dont have much time on hand right now. But I'll certainly update if you're interested on solutions.

If not, just forget about this thread, and have my thanks. :)

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