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svenjas body parts


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They are not really a quest, more like an easter egg. The monster (I have no idea how to spell it) could also be found in the game morrowind, on Solstheim. At Dive Rock you can find a journal about what Svenja and her husband were doing and what happened.
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It was something like Uderfrykte.


When you kill the Bloodmoon version, you find a Severed Nord Leg, or some such, which is a blunt weapon with VERY low (20?) durability. I do not want to know how I was able to use armorer's hammers to repair it...

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I felt bad that Svenja came to such an end. She was friend to several of my characters. I threw her foul killer off the edge and tried to lay the two Skaals out with dignity in the snow. Using the disable command was the closest i could get to a Viking funeral.
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  Dilvish said:
I felt bad that Svenja came to such an end. She was friend to several of my characters. I threw her foul killer off the edge and tried to lay the two Skaals out with dignity in the snow. Using the disable command was the closest i could get to a Viking funeral.

I enchanted a Silver Battle Axe and Silver Bow (let's face it, Frostwyrm is a pathetic weapon) and laid them on the bedrolls at Dive Rock.


Didn't bother with lugging Svenja's body parts around. They were monstrously heavy at the time. Of course, I could have yanked them out of the Matron's gullet and left them on the snow for later retrieval, but hey... :mellow:

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Ja, I lugged her up bit by bit, to lay her ... bits next to her lover. It was a bit creepy because her had to kinda ... hug her to keep her together (and doesnt she look just like someone's mother?) But I thought it was the start of a nice new legend for the mead hall, and went to keep a vigil at their campsite.


But then I got tired.

And slept in their beds. :blush:

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  Mercbird said:
... (and doesnt she look just like someone's mother?) ...

If I was negligent with Svenja, I made sure Cassie paid heed to Mother, who is now keeping watch of Vinnie's apartment in the Sanctuary.


Agnar's body dissolves after three days, but I sought to keep his armor around for the memorial. Problem is, either the hat or the shield could not be picked up because I'd get a message "You cannot loot the bodies of your defeated opponents!"— the message you commonly get in the Arena.

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