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General censorship of criticism.


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Ok now I think this thread crossed the line where things might get offensive. I don't need public excuse or anything and I don't want this discussion getting out of hand.

I did what I think was right, SirRage did his part, no blood spilled in result, everyone's fine, lesson's learned by both sides and else.


Peace.Friendship.Love. (as they say in Russia).


I can agree with that mate. I'm not angry and I don't want anyone to be angry on my behalf. I may disagree with what you did but I don't dislike you as a person. Thanks for being the bigger man here, others most likely wouldn't have done the same

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Hmm, well SirRage did give a review - stating the good and bad in their own opinion. But it sounds like you want a critique which focuses on what is, none of the 'what I like, what I don't like'.


Also I just found it funny that there was no raging in SirRage's review.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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Well I admit I hate it when someone leaves a huge post like that in my mod thread, its like a essay and I feel I am being judged/graded on my mod. I find a PM is better when you need to write a wall of text about your likes and dislikes of a mod.


Some modders like super in depth personal reviews, what the person like or disliked about their mod.

Some modders like critiques about what they have done and are looking for improvement, but NOT about what the user liked or didnt.

Other modders know the mod they made and where they stand with it, they are happy with the mod and are instead looking for BUG reports.


I am personally in the last category, I want mostly want bug reports. If someone wants to make suggestions on what to add into the mod or a request that is fine, most modders understand its not to everyone's taste. But then again I have MAJOR issues with my self esteem and self worth, I already feel my mods should never be released because I am a poor modder and having some of this layered on top of it makes me feel horrible lol.


Course then there are modders who just want to release a mod and not worry about anything after that, which is fine as well.


Its a mixed bag since this is a hobby.

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I have never uploaded a mod, but I track a number of them. When I see a post like the subject "review" I tend to either yawn or groan. I track the mods which interest me mainly for bug reports or questions from those who are playing the mod. I have no interest in whether a particular player does or does not like a mod and find such posts to be pretty worthless. I also dislike posts which offer a particular players opinion on what is "lore friendly" or what "breaks their immersion". However, I think a player who uses and wants to keep a mod ought to be able to offer suggestions on how it might be improved so long as the suggestions do not run counter to the obvious core of the mod. I have not downloaded Lunette but I can see as legitimate a suggestion that there be a less intrusive way of letting you know she has leveled. However, a suggestion that she should not be a goody-two shoes or that she should tolerate a romance between the player character and Willow would not be a constructive suggestion since, from what I have read in the description, that is who she is. That may keep a player from even downloading the mod, but the Nexus community does not care about whether a given player is part of the intended audience of a particular mod. It is generally pretty clear from the description what sort of feedback a mod maker wants. When LLamaRCA and Nivea overhauled Willow, suggestions about what changes should be made were invited and LlamaRCA's philosophy of allowing the player character as much control as possible was espoused and she changed many things as a result without changing the basic nature of the mod. Willow is now finished and there will be no further development, so at this point it would be inappropriate for a player to request a bunch of changes. Many other mods have been around for a long time and are not being added to and the mod maker may even be inactive. Long posts about suggested improvements or substantial change would not be useful.

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I've been reading this thread with some interest! I really wanted to see a big fight! :devil: just kidding but back to topic. I recently got one of these critiques, at first I was miffed! All I could think is "How dare you say that you noob!" Once I settled down and really looked at what the person had to say I would have to admit they were about 90% correct. After looking back I fixed many of the issues they brought up.


all I'm really saying is take it in stride and re-read and re-think before you get totally miffed!

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Just thought I'd add my two cents. And yes, I'm also deeply disappointed that there was no fight. Deeply.

I think criticism is absolutely necessary, and I always harbor some dislike and disappointment for people who refuse it. Not towards them as a person, but as a creator. If you can't deal with criticism, you show that you're stubborn and don't want to improve. Deleting such reviews (which was a fine review, by the way) I find cowardly. Again, criticism is necessary, and the negative endorsements Mishaxhi mentioned sound very useful indeed. People only learn and improve when they have thei negatives in their work pointed out. Otherwise you'll just go on thinking your stuff is amazing, in your own little bubble world.

Thanks for reading.

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I can see where both parties are coming from. Some parts of the review seemed a bit "uppity" I guess might be the word? However, other parts seemed pretty constructive. You have to remember mod dislikes and likes are a matter of opinion really and you shouldn't get offended. It may be hard to swallow your pride and take the hit but that "review" could have been much worse. That is my opinion on the opinion.

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