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Love in Oblivion


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By the way, I remember you mentioning HOD suggests a level 15 character, but I easily defeated the mod just using my level 1 thief and a little help from an archer companion.


yeah, the mod page suggests a level 15 character to play well

but i know it's a suggestion that depends on your game, character and play style


for instance, i have just completed the massive battle in BladeSong, which also recommends starting at level 15, and my character did it at level 10, with no companions

just so you understand, i killed a whole lot of nasty bad A super orcs, much stronger than me, at level 10, with no companion help at all

it's funny, because out of the 30 or so people on my side, the only one that made it (as far as i know) was the essential character the mod is all about, and yet i didn't just survive this, i bloody whooped the floor with them :biggrin:


so yeah, mod recommendations are something to keep in mind, but don't take it as a rule or anything


still haven't tried HOD yet, so i can't say if i could have done this at level 1, but it may just be possible, even for me (i tried removing all the things that make the game easier, to make it as difficult as can be, and also as balanced)


but back to subject, i would really like to see some good romance in Oblivion (need to get many more septims to get a house for my new companion, to continue with the quest and all)

so i'll be giving a try to as many mods as i can, until i find my world sufficiently romantic :biggrin:

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I don't think I'll be needing any romance companions any time soon. You see, my current character is a female thief, and while roleplaying a female isn't an issue, I don't want to roleplay a female romancing a male character (I have to draw the line somewhere). Don't get me wrong, she's also not romancing female characters. She did have Dublin from Heart of the Dead fall in love with her and he refers to her as "my love" and all that stuff, but that's about as far as I want to take this thing...
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I don't think I'll be needing any romance companions any time soon. You see, my current character is a female thief, and while roleplaying a female isn't an issue, I don't want to roleplay a female romancing a male character (I have to draw the line somewhere). Don't get me wrong, she's also not romancing female characters. She did have Dublin from Heart of the Dead fall in love with her and he refers to her as "my love" and all that stuff, but that's about as far as I want to take this thing...

Yeah, can't really hold that against you. I typically roleplay as female characters, just a preference, but that's why I avoid "romance" things of any type generally. There's a point where a line needs drawn, because even if my character is female I'm still very much a man. To each their own, though, and I admittedly will philander just for the kicks.

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I would recommend reading Orlando Furioso by Ariosto. Try Amazon for the full college version, I picked one up for $1.65 + shipping. Or you could try to find the Ballantine Adult Fantasy version from the 70s on E-Bay, but those are rare and it only covers half the story. It has some of the best romance and chivalrious fighting from the middle ages that there is.
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If you're okay with a romanceable male companion, I'm gonna suggest CM partner Valtierro, by NellSpeed. He's got a great personality (funny as all get-out, really), immersive awareness of what you're doing in the game world, and the humor in what he has to say is really worth the effort of downloading him.


Another companion worth checking out is Stoker Wolff, or Dairanath Avari perhaps. But that's the romanceable men. I believe several worthy ladies have already been mentioned.

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