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Help Hodifying Several BLD Pieces


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I need some help modifying a few bld pieces in order to remove their sidewalks. This is so that those pieces can be used more liberally in creating custom buildings. As things stand, the current number of blds that can be used to assemble skyscrapers or other prominent buildings is extremely limited to: Bld05s, Bld06s, and Bld07s.



I want to remove the sidewalks to the: Bld02s, Bld12s, and HotelRoof pieces. I mainly need this for an important building being assembled for another modder. After some work I deduced that having these pieces altered would allow them to be more easily used in other projects. I can assemble the buildings without altered pieces, but... it would mean eating up cell space unnecessarily to design a custom roof.


If need be... I can and will set up an off-sit download to help with the tinkering. Furthermore, I will credit the modder that helps me... as I always do.

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Upload pictures of the meshes with what exactly you're hoping to change, their full filenames (with folder structure) and I'll see what I can do for ya in Blender.

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