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I've mentioned a couple of mods I've played before where the mods themselves were great, but the voice acting really turned me off for a variety of different reasons (I don't want to speak ill of any modders so no need to specify much beyond that). I recently started playing the mod Bartholm, and the voices are kind of messing up what would be an otherwise awesome experience for me. The quality of some of the sounds is not great, and the majority of them have weird accents I think were intended to be funny but are really distracting and a little annoying. I don't want this to spoil the rest of an otherwise great mod, is there a way to disable the voice acting just for a specific mod? There is an arena announcer in the mod as well, are there are potential issues that might come from him being silenced?
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My first thought would be to locate one of those silent sound files used to keep subtitles running long enough to read, and use it to replace the voice files that you don't care for. You could probably accomplish this by giving the silent file the same name as the one you don't care for and overwriting it.
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I may just have to suck it up. The voices sounds like parodies of French chefs and Arnold Schwarzenegger, though...ugh.


What I would do is:


1. Remove/uninstall the mod (using Wrye Bash).

2. Unpack the mod archive to some other directory.

3. Go into that directory and find and remove the sound\voice directory - that gets rid of all of the voiced and silenced files.

4. Using 7zip, archive up the contents of this directory into a new archive (original archive name - my initials.7z) and copy the new archive into Bash Installers.

5. Use Wrye Bash to install the mod from the new archive.

(optional) 6. Use TESGecko to generate silent voices for the mod. (Only necessary if you do not use Elys Universal Silent Voice plugin.)

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You don't have to suck it up.


The above suggestion is probably best (it's better than mine), but here's what I would do anyway:



Find the voice files for the mod in your Data folder and replace them with short silent files of the same name.


As for the arena announcer, just replace those sound files with the same silent files too. It won't mess up the arena announcer in the real game because that's safely in the .bsa. I'm assuming the arena announcer for the mod is a new voice too. Replace that and the real one isn't touched.


(Personally, I don't care if I mess up the vanilla arena announcer, because he's terrible. "Who will win? The yellow team or the blue team? Let's find out!" Can you get any lamer than that? - But I digress.)

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I don't know...this new announcer has me sadly missing the original.


Wow. It must really suck. Try our suggestions and see what happens. Good luck.

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