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How to Get into the Arena Before the gate opens


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Hey! I just wanted to tell everyone a gitch that i found amusing... When your ready to fight, and your standing by the gate, turn

around to the right and you will see what is something to jump on... Well if you jump on it backwards you will fall through the game

and out into nothing... In about 3 seconds you will be teleproted back up... And if you walk forward while your falling you will be teleported back

into the arena but outside the gate... Sorry if i couldn't Describe this well.

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If you have a high acrobatics skill, (100) and wear the boots of Springheel Jack, as well as some other stuff, (helmet and shield, plus amulet and rings) enchanted with Acrobatics, you can jump through the gap between the gate and the ceiling :P You have to be near the corner and jump while running forward. Takes a few tries but its cool lol You could also always type tcl into the console heheheh



Forgot to mention, the amulet and rings need to be enchanted with grand soul/black soul gems. I forget how much you need, but I believe its near 170 acrobatics. Oh, and another method :P Make a spell fortifying acrobatics 100 for 10 secs (if you can cast it :P), another for 8, another for 6, another for 4, and another for 2. Then, cast them in quick succession, and you should have high acrobatics. When you do, jump. You'll go really high. I believe higher than White Gold Tower with just that hehehe. You die usually on the way down though -.-

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Ahh, I think it's somewhere around 200 Acrobatics that you can jump the invisible wall in the Arena and kill one of the NPC combatants. Good way to make sure you win your bet, but I imagine it messes the game up pretty badly. I've been wanting to try it, but just haven't found the desire to find a way to fortify my Acrobatics that high, lol.
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My younger cousin brother likes to cheat in this manner:

Bet on an arena match, tcl out of the stadium audience pavilion into the arena, wait for the fight to complete, then createactorcopy on both the combatants, and fight all of them at the same time. Then kill them and steal their armor and give it to the player's companions.


Fighting in arena is just plain fun!

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