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Best Race, Birthsign, Class For Magicka


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Well, classes don't give you anything special except for major skills boosts to 25, and attributes you choose get plus 5. Best race for magicka gain is High Elves. But they also have a weakness to it and all the elements. The Atronach is the best one for magicka too, but it gives you Stunted Magicka, and 50 Spell Absorption. You need to be an advanced player if you use that really, if your going to use magic a lot. Then the best class setup would be choosing Intelligence and Willpower for your attributes (they are the magic stuff; willpower determines how fast you regain magicka [not needed if using Atronach Birthsign], and intelligence determines how much you have). Skills would be the magic skills (Destruction, Mysticism, Restoration [i wouldn't recommend restoration, its a pain to boost], Alchemy, etc). But I'd also choose blade/blunt/hand-to-hand and light armor so you have something to fall back on when you run out of magicka.
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I agree with Frostcraig here. Definitely avoid Atronach as the birthsign if you've got little experience with the game, because the Stunted Magicka can be a real pain. If you don't mind added weakness to magic, the Apprentice will give you a 100 point boost to Magicka (50 less than the Atronach) without the annoying Stunted Magicka effect.


As far as major skills go, I'd say it depends on your preference. I tend to focus more towards skills I have control over. For example, I would not set Athletics as a major skill because I could randomly gain a level from it without intending too. It can throw off the whole "efficient levelling" thing if you're not careful. Also be careful with skills that you can "power level" with, such as Alchemy. It's not bad because you can easily choose whether or not to make a potion, but if you grind it without making sure your combat prowesses match your ever increasing level you may run into some trouble. The best setups, in my opinion, work with any specialization you want this character to have. Balancing your major skills with skills you both have control over and can be levelled fairly easily is key. Regardless of any of that, though, always make sure that your combat effectiveness (skills like Blade, Marksman, Destruction, etc.) is scaled well with how you are levelling up.


Of course, that's for vanilla play. If you've got mods thrown in that alter enemy levels about 50% of what I just typed holds little value.

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Well, classes don't give you anything special except for major skills boosts to 25, and attributes you choose get plus 5. Best race for magicka gain is High Elves. But they also have a weakness to it and all the elements. The Atronach is the best one for magicka too, but it gives you Stunted Magicka, and 50 Spell Absorption. You need to be an advanced player if you use that really, if your going to use magic a lot. Then the best class setup would be choosing Intelligence and Willpower for your attributes (they are the magic stuff; willpower determines how fast you regain magicka [not needed if using Atronach Birthsign], and intelligence determines how much you have). Skills would be the magic skills (Destruction, Mysticism, Restoration [i wouldn't recommend restoration, its a pain to boost], Alchemy, etc). But I'd also choose blade/blunt/hand-to-hand and light armor so you have something to fall back on when you run out of magicka.


Sounds just like one of my previous characters on the PS3. :P

High Elf, Atronach, good all-round character actually. After a huge pain in the ass getting my Restoration to 100, I was finally happy with him... I had almost everything 100. Very fun with all the spells. Got him all the way to Lvl 47. All I'm saying is he did OK considering I chose the most difficult major skills ever >_> by accident.

Some good advice there though. I guess I was just asking what I already knew just to see if I had forgotten or missed something after being away from Oblivion for a few months.

Thanks Lord. :)


EDIT: Just saw SandsOfTime404's post. Too late for that whole 'efficient levelling' thing, I already power-levelled from Lvl 1 to Lvl 23 since yesterday. o_O

Yeah I wouldn't choose Athletics, takes too long to level up as well as being mostly unpredictable.

Edited by MadMike710
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I've got a very heavily modded game (Running COBL, some custom races, and a bunch of others), so with COBL's overhauled birthsigns, I'd go with an Altmer born under the sign of the Ritual and a custom class that specializes in magic and has intelligence and willpower as favored attributes if I wanted a world-class mage with any of the vanilla races. Of course, you've also got Bretons, who have 50% resistance to magic (And can bring that up to 100% just by equipping one ring). But with custom races, I've been using Korana's Hidden Elves mod with the same birthsign and class. Got the magicka bonus of Altmer combined with the alchemy and marksman bonuses of a Bosmer.
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Ok, just wondering, as I never actually knew. Does 'resistance to magic' mean resistance to your own magic too?

It's just resistance to spells that enemies throw at you.

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