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Finding "holes" in terrain mesh... ?


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I created a new landmass (Thank you, again, Hoddminir, for your help and Aragorn58 for your time and suggestions as well!) -- and I've noticed what appears to be "holes" in the landscape here and there. When I move to them they seem to vanish, though I'm sure they're still there.


When in the CK, I have found and fixed a few of them. But, my question is this:


Is there a program available that will locate these holes/tears/abnormalities and list the coordinates for them? Or am I bound to have to use the CK and check, cell by cell, for these holes and fix them by hand?


My world is 4096 x 4096 so anything that would speed up such an extensive process would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for any replies and help!




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There is no program I'm afraid, I had this problem too with a faulty heightmap and I had to go through and fix them all up by hand (thankfully there wasn't many).

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Thanks for the reply!


I'm finding most of them up along my higher mountains but have seen a few (at distance) down on lower elevations. Problem is, when I run/ride over to find them so I can set a coord to check in the CK, they vanish about halfway there. *sighs* So, I'm not positive what area I need to look at to find and fix them.


I tried rerunning Oscape, set at a higher "Terrain of max resolution", but that didn't do much. Perhaps I'll try an even higher setting and hope it doesn't crash... lol


Ah, well.... I guess I have nothing /better/ to do for hours per day ... /sarcasm


-Goldrush <--- wishing she was a programmer

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So wait is the problem with the LOD or the actual terrain?


I honestly don't know. I'm really new to all this. I just know when I'm riding around in my worldspace (no textures or objects in it yet, just the terrain), I see what appears to be 'holes' here and there. I see the "blue sky" through them. They don't look huge, but then I'm seeing them from a great distance away.


The ones I've found thus far have been along the gridlines, like the mesh has come apart or not melded together in those spots during the generation of the terrain. That's why I'm assuming it's the mesh and not just a visual effect of some sort.


Again, though, I don't know enough to say for certain what is causing them and using the "smoothing" brush in the landscape editor fixes them. I was just hoping there was some way to find them all a lot easier than by using the CK and moving from grid to grid (over a 4096 x 4096 worldspace) to find them.




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The ones showing up in the CK appear to be actual holes in the terrain and usually occur on really steep inclines when a heightmap is imported. There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent these however the can be fixed by simply running over them with the smooth brush in landscape editing. (This is what happened to me.)


The tiny ones showing up in-game appear to be a as a result of the LOD generation. From what I can see their barley noticeable as-is let alone after your worldspace has been cluttered up. (This may or may not have happened to me as I waited until I had finished cluttering up my world before I generated LOD.)

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