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What's the easiest way to have longer days (more sunlight)?


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I found these game settings:


fTimeSpanSunriseEnd 9

fTimeSpanSunriseStart 6

fTimeSpanSunsetEnd 21

fTimeSpanSunsetStart 18


When the mod stops working, do those numbers look like the sunrise/sunset range that take over?

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Probably the ENB settings are intended to match your game settings so that you get the proper lighting at sunrise and sunset. Very often such settings are not independent variables and in some cases can even cause damage. (This is the same reason Bethesda's official suggestion is to not tweak your Skyrim.ini, even though almost everybody does.)


It's possible that these game settings are a kind of fallback for situations where the current climate's values can't be used for some reason. Might consider tweaking them as well as long as you are making changes, just to be safe.

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I removed that mod and made my own .esp in the CK that only changed the climate settings for a longer day.


Same issue - the mod eventually is disabled, usually after fast travel. Saving and re-loading doesn't help - I need to re-start skyrim.


I don't use any mods that would really mess with the climate (like CoT).


I guess there really is no long-term solution for this.

Edited by kmfdm515
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Did you make the changes to the GMSTs as well, or just to the climates?


When you say you need restart Skyrim, do you mean start a new game or just quit to desktop and reload?

Sorry, I'm not sure what GMST refers to?


I have to quit to desktop and reload.

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