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How long do Elves live?


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This still has never really been clarified anywhere in the lore of any TES game.


They all live for centuries... but how many?? That's pretty vague. I know High Elves are supposed to live the longest, with Dunmer coming pretty close behind them, but we aren't given specific numbers. No hints are ever given about Bosmer or Orcs though.

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If they never get sick I don't think they will ever die, the oldest elf was about 4000 years old, elves go 1000 years on average according to barenziah. I reckon as they get older the chance of catching a disease at some point increases, so unless they sit indoors all day and are isolated from society completely they will never die of old age. And that's ignoring diseases spread by vermin, food or airborne diseases.

Edited by Noortje
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"A chief distinguishing characteristic of Mer is their lengthy lifespans, with average citizens living over two centuries before being considering old, two or three times the span of Men."




So yeah, it's already in the lore. How long exactly varies from individual to individual. Barenziah's line for example seems to be exceptionally long lived.

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King Orgnum of the Sea Elves is the longest living Elf. He has lived since before the elves came to Tamriel, before the 1st era.


I think he's an immensely powerful wizard who has used some kind of secret magic to keep himself alive for a long time. If I were to wager a guess, I think the (normal) Sea Elves' life spans would likely be about the same as Dunmer.

Edited by Lehcar
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King Orgnum of the Sea Elves is the longest living Elf. He has lived since before the elves came to Tamriel, before the 1st era.


I think he's an immensely powerful wizard who has used some kind of secret magic to keep himself alive for a long time. If I were to wager a guess, I think the (normal) Sea Elves' life spans would likely be about the same as Dunmer.




That is really normal in TES lore, mages tend to live longer because magic. You can be up to 2000 years or just a very old vampire.

So if you an epic RP player, you can easily play from the first game to last game. As the lone Tes savior.

Edited by Boombro
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