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Left-Wing, Right-wing, or Central?


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There is always change.


There is always a jump in "extreme nature", for every generation has its extremes.


In the US, we hold an extreme count of populace that does not vote because they think they are not allowed, are not sufficient or just plain don't matter. This is mainly due to economic statistic or peers. Take Ferguson MO...those folks don't think their votes count, so protest...cuz physical numbers count, but I guarantee most of them can't vote due to incarceration.


Federal charges can range from possessing more than an ounce of narcotics (schedule 1 drugs). While in Amsterdam...


Getting people to vote is what might tip the basket. Lower class (earnings) folk might tend to focus on the fact that money and lobbyists do more to control the country than individual votes. And if you do tally of campaign contributions, it really does seem so.


Then there's people like me who believe God and Country are separate. Sorry, all you lefty righty folk. Hate to say it but Left/right wing is FRENCH.


So...we have: anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists, autonomists, communists, democratic-socialists, feminists, greens, left-libertarians, progressives, secularists, socialists, social-democrats and social-liberals on the left...


...capitalists, conservatives, fascists, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists on the right.


Unfortunately, the Center, or moderate, doesn't really fill a gap...in fact likely makes the gap wider...because that gap isn't filled with people, only ideals that can't actually overlap.


Electoral college: We can have votes instantly with biometrics and modern tech...why do we need those folks making the decision every session? Who's to say they are not swayed by lobbyists/foreign politics etc?


Vice President Unlimited four-year terms
House of Representatives Unlimited two-year terms <---UNLIMITED.
Senate Unlimited six-year terms <---SIX year terms...UNLIMITED.
Supreme Court No term limits, appointed to serve "during good behavior"[24] (but can be impeached and removed from office for "high Crimes and Misdemeanors"); in practice a Justice serves until death or stepping down (by retirement or resignation) <---this is like a monarchy!!!! Only no heirs.
Who makes up the EC? "The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitled" So WHY IS IOWA SO FRIKKIN IMPORTANT????
Bayh–Celler Constitutional amendment
The closest the country has ever come to abolishing the Electoral College occurred during the 91st Congress (1969-1971).[24] The presidential election of 1968 resulted in Richard Nixon receiving 301 electoral votes (56% of electors), Hubert Humphrey 191 (35.5%) and George Wallace 46 (8.5%) with 13.5% of the popular vote. However, Nixon had only received 511,944 more popular votes than Humphrey, 43.5% to 42.9%, less than 1% of the national total....Which makes pretty much every vote not count, might as well let the EC do it. Getting people to vote is the problem, because no one thinks the frikkin vote counts.
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Not sure if the Electoral College is similar, but we too have a democratic problem here (UK) with the House of Lords, who are basically birth-right politicians. I suppose the idea behind that is "if we are still alive, we must be doing something right".


Of course many of these laws and traditions were made when the world was quite a different place. Since then the populations have multiplied by like 7 times if not more, the Internet has made information available that would otherwise never have been released to the public, and the irony of global capitalism has made communities and individuals the world over realise they can have part of the pie.


Problems obviously arrive when that particular pie dish starts to look a little sorry for itself and the people who have had lots of pie want more, while we try to convince the people who have not had any yet to wait because another pie is in the oven... but it may not be the same or as tasty as the last one! This is not helped by the bursting at the seams population growth and the shifting in paradigms between which 'classes' people belong to i.e. it is no longer based purely on income but knowledge, 'who you know' and what you represent.


Taking the House of Lords for example, it still has a huge impact as to where you are born and to who that still largely decides what kind of life one will lead. The double edged sword to changing this is that as we move ever more towards a sort of 'neo-capitalism' (which is like the ultimate fusion of communism and capitalism), yes we may over-throw institutions that have in many ways become corrupt, however what will replace it increasingly looks like a totalitarian world where the corporate agenda rules all.


The effects of this are amplified by our sense of awareness, our ethics. On both 'sides' there is the sense of good and bad, greater good vs. some wrong doing, and in some cases a reaction of nihilism to an inescapable fate. This is why we have ISIS, Nazis and an almost civil war like environment in pretty much every country... and the rest are either already in a civil war or already have regimes of utter dictorial dominance.


I think it can all be diagnosed as a classic 'Catch 22' situation... in fact in many ways it seems to be two sides of the same coin.

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I suspect the corporate agenda already has a lot more power than what is seen on the surface. The mere thought of corporations being able to sue governments for 'interfering with profit' simply stinks of corporate greed. That would open the way to corporations suing a government because their environmental laws 'impede profit'...... (they have to spend money to dispose of hazardous waste, instead of just dumping it in the nearest river).


Money in politics is the biggest problem here. If we could balance that equation some, it would go a long way toward improving our lot. Hopefully. :D

Edited by HeyYou
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I suspect the corporate agenda already has a lot more power than what is seen on the surface. The mere thought of corporations being able to sue governments for 'interfering with profit' simply stinks of corporate greed. That would open the way to corporations suing a government because their environmental laws 'impede profit'...... (they have to spend money to dispose of hazardous waste, instead of just dumping it in the nearest river).


Money in politics is the biggest problem here. If we could balance that equation some, it would go a long way toward improving our let. Hopefully. :D

Our 'let'? So it would go a long way toward improving our 'hindrances'?...chuckles evilly....and takes another sip of my single malt. :tongue:

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I suspect the corporate agenda already has a lot more power than what is seen on the surface. The mere thought of corporations being able to sue governments for 'interfering with profit' simply stinks of corporate greed. That would open the way to corporations suing a government because their environmental laws 'impede profit'...... (they have to spend money to dispose of hazardous waste, instead of just dumping it in the nearest river).


Money in politics is the biggest problem here. If we could balance that equation some, it would go a long way toward improving our let. Hopefully. :D

Our 'let'? So it would go a long way toward improving our 'hindrances'?...chuckles evilly....and takes another sip of my single malt. :tongue:


Should have been "lot". Fixed it........ Must need new batteries in the keyboard.... Yeah, yeah! that's it. New batteries....... :D

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I suspect the corporate agenda already has a lot more power than what is seen on the surface. The mere thought of corporations being able to sue governments for 'interfering with profit' simply stinks of corporate greed. That would open the way to corporations suing a government because their environmental laws 'impede profit'...... (they have to spend money to dispose of hazardous waste, instead of just dumping it in the nearest river).


Money in politics is the biggest problem here. If we could balance that equation some, it would go a long way toward improving our let. Hopefully. :D

Our 'let'? So it would go a long way toward improving our 'hindrances'?...chuckles evilly....and takes another sip of my single malt. :tongue:


Should have been "lot". Fixed it........ Must need new batteries in the keyboard.... Yeah, yeah! that's it. New batteries....... :D


Don't you hate it when spell check doesn't understand intent. I have lost track of the plethora of times when one of my theoretically brilliant points are screwed up by my impoverished typing skills. :laugh:

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