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I hate Marriage in Skryim...taking suggestions


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I agree that marriage in vanilla is lacking. Personally I would've liked the NPCs feelings and preferances to play a bigger part.

As for how I would want the marriage system to be:


Some npcs might prefer a female nord stormcloak sympathizer, while others may lust for a male argonian with great two handed skill.

Some may prefer someone immensely wealthy while others may not even look at you if you've never been in prison.

That doesn't mean that you'll lock yourself out of some potential spouses because of one choice you made early in the game,

but some may need a very high speechcraft skill to marry if that is the case.

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I agree that marriage in vanilla is lacking. Personally I would've liked the NPCs feelings and preferances to play a bigger part.

As for how I would want the marriage system to be:


Some npcs might prefer a female nord stormcloak sympathizer, while others may lust for a male argonian with great two handed skill.

Some may prefer someone immensely wealthy while others may not even look at you if you've never been in prison.

That doesn't mean that you'll lock yourself out of some potential spouses because of one choice you made early in the game,

but some may need a very high speechcraft skill to marry if that is the case.

Adding skills and faction requirement is an amazing idea!

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It would be an awesome idea...but I have no idea how I would even start on that. Let me check with the guy who is helping me with scripting, because he is awesome, and maybe we can see how possible that would be. But I would still like suggestions as to who might be interested in what.

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I think it more about conditions.

Maybe set conditions on needed npc?


For homosexual npcs, I think I will pick anyone that doesn't has lovers and be done with it:


The brother of Balgruuf the Greater.

The two maids at dragonreach.

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Hmmm, good idea. I will look into that.


Thinking about it, someone released a similar naughty mod over on the-site-that-must-not-be-named recently. I might go dissect it and see how they set it up. It was not this elaborate. But it did add in conditions for certain behaviors. So it would be a start.

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I thinks there is a mod in skyrim for that. You ask them, pay them and the screen becomes black for a while. Has all races and genders.


I think quest making will help you with this. The last time I looked over at the ck website for quests, they talked about conditions, and adding non-voice npcs.

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I too think the "romance" system in Skyrim was "kinda" lacking. In the sense that there's none. I'd really like it if you actually had to work for it, in the same kind of manner like in Mass Effect where you have to build your relationship with the NPCs, instead of just equipping an amulet and going: "Hey girl, wanna get married?" It's just... Meh.


Will you be including more content in the sense of dialogue etc. or is this just for factions and gender restrictions?

Either way, good luck. :)

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I do not know yet, I am not even sure how to do the conditions system. I might look through the recorded content to see what I can find that would fit, but one thing at a time. Right now, I am still working on NPC appearance and building changes. ( I am almost done with Whiterun and Riverwood) Then I want to focus on Inns and getting those finished up so that I can test out the new rental system.


But I wanted ideas before I dove headfirst into this and spent months working on it, only to have another idea I really like pop up and have to start over. I hate when that happens.

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