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How Exactly to install/where to install OBMM


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@yb12: Here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\oblivion. if you use steam.


For the non steam legal CD version IF you use the default install ( Not recommended)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion

You must be running as an Administrator AND run The Oblivion as administrator also (different)


Find the Oblivion.exe file in that location, RIGHT click on it. Find 'Run as Administrator' in the drop down list and click on it.


You may have to do the same thing for OBSE and some other programs (That's what I don't recommend installing Oblivion in the default location) Note, you can't just move Oblivion, and the normal reinstall usually fails also. :rolleyes:


When you get fed up with Microsoft's overzealous UAC telling you what you can't do to programs in the default Program files (x86) folder: Here is a Link to Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall procedure:


This has worked for thousands of satisfied customers with a very high success rate. :thumbsup:



And, Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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  • 10 months later...

I keep getting an error when I try to run OBMM. This is what it says in my obmm_crashdump.txt: Type: System.IO.IOException
Error message: Access to the path 'C:\Users\Customer\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\program files (x86)\bethesda softworks\oblivion\Data\00 Core\Textures\menus\HUDstatusBars\Orb' is denied.
Stack trace: at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)
at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)
at OblivionModManager.Program.Init()
at OblivionModManager.Program.Main(String[] args)

I don't know what this means or how to fix it. If some one could explain it,it would be appreciated greatly.

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  • 9 months later...

Okay, I know that this is an old topic, but I still get the error "Oblivion mod manager must be installed to Oblivions installation directory." I tried everything, tried to run the installer as administrator, run the game and run the installer while running the game in administrator mode, but nothing works. I really hope that someone can help me with this. I installed the game to C:/Program Files/ Bethesda softworks/ Oblivion.

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Interestingly your resurrection and the last post above your's share the same cause for the issue, using a Windows distribution from Vista and up, and having the game installed at the default location, inside program files.

Both of you have become victims of the infamous User Account Control (UAC) now because of that.


You see the path in the error message above, "C:\Users\Customer\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\program files (x86)\"? This is where 3rd party apps are forced to read and write files to/from by your OS, instead of actually accessing "C:\program files (x86)\" like you think they'd do. (Every similarly protected Windows sytem folder has a copy inside there, not just program files, so using for example your desktop instead (Who'd actually do this? But it does happen none the less) will have the same effect, of course.)


This happens to mod managers trying to install mods's files into your data folders, but also very likely 3rd party installers trying to install tools into your Oblivion folder, everything just ends up 'over there' instead of where it's meant to be. To worsen things yet more it also happens that browsing your program files with your Windows Explorer it will actually "lie" to you, making it appear to you as if those files were indeed inside your program files, while they most definitely are not.


However, neither the game nor the tools can be fooled by this indefinitely. The game will not be able to find any mod files installed by the managers, and the tools most likely will not be able to find the game, if they were installed into this VirtualStore instead while the game was not.


Over the years this has turned into a reoccuring colossal pain, as you might've guessed, and the only ways to prevent this from happening is to

1) turn off your UAC, a highly discouraged way to go about it, as this over-protective system security feature actually does have a reason still,

2) install/move the game into another folder outside of the UAC's over-protective grasp, like "C:\Games\" or any other folder 'you' create yourself.


The 2nd solution is highly encouraged and 'the' way to start your modding endeavour nowadays. First of all move the game out of the UAC's grasp, only then start installing things.


edit: See Bben's post at the top of this page. He's got links to all the guides and instructions necessary to do this the right way.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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  • 3 years later...


It says I need to put it into the oblivion install directory...

You answered your own question...


OH YES! We answered our own question... Thats why it refuses to install because it says thats THE WRONG PLACE TO PUT IT so I will ask the question again. Where do we install it? Because the correct place is not the correct place, so why dont you stop being a smart ass and answer the question! ANGRY FACE!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm happy I'm not the only one still trying to over-haul this game in 2017. To me the graphics are fine, not so much my girlfriend, but I'd love for her to be able to enjoy this game without saying "this would have been amazing if we were kids". That s#*! is annoying lol. I've acquired a copy of this game like a lot of people do, not legally. I think thats where I'm running into problems.

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  • 2 years later...

hey, i know this is an old topic but i just realised what the guy on the first page of replies meant by "delete the new folder"

if you're having the issue where the OBMM installer says "OBMM must be installed in the Oblivion directory" or something like that but you're absolutly sure that you have the [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion] pathway selected and it wont work you need to click on where it has [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion] and realize that the installer has made it say [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\NewFolder] and that [\NewFolder] which the installer has added all by itself is whats causing the issue

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  • 7 months later...

Modding this game is impossible for the layman. I follow directions to the letter, move very slowly and read EVERYTHING. Still encounter problems over and over.


The devil is usually hiding in some small detail, and is thus easily missed.


Confirm you have the following:
















OBMM will run without the obmm.chm file (it's the help file that uses the same interface as standard Windows help). Run OBMM by double left clicking OblivionModManager.exe or setting up a desktop shortcut that does the same.

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