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Have trouble with FWE


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I have gotten FWE to load and everything seems to work except I keep getting these red exclaimation points. Could handle it around the few people I've seen with it but not in my sniper scope.


Using FOMM and if it downloaded files into the wrong place I have no idea which files they are and where to put them. Any help would be appreciated as this seems fun.

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Well first of all, a big red exclamation mark means that you have missing meshes. So you should reinstall the meshes folder to make sure that they are all installed correctly. Then if the problem is still evident, then you should make sure that you have all the updates, patches, and so on that apply to FWE. So just make sure that that is out of the way and if the problem still persists then I really do not know what to tell you my friend. But just try to reinstall the meshes folder if one exists.


Hope this solves the issue.



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