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There are several fantastic mods that I have installed but some of the NPCs that were created for them left much to be desired. So, using the construction set (which I'm still learning-I'm not a modder yet) I have been successful in changing the gender, race, and appearance of several NPCs. When "female" is checked, it automatically gave them all the female attributes including voices. Recently, I attempted to change the Battlehorn Men at Arms to all females. Firstly, I thought ALL NPCs were listed in the CS (Some became female, others remained male because they didnt show up in the mod list in CS), Secondly, the ones that I did change to female maintained their male voices. I changed my Battlehorn cook to a female and automatically she had her female voice. NOT SO with the men-at-arms. They maintained the male voices. Needless to say, I couldn't live with that so I changed them back. What am I missing? Is there yet something else I need to change when attempting to change NPC genders? ALSO my Orcs in the game have all lost their voices. They no longer speak. There mouths move and they have their dialogue on screen but no audio. Did I do something or did something happen that I am not aware. In my gender changes I have NEVEr worked with any orcs so I don't see what I could have done to change them. FINALLY, in changing genders, is it possible to change the on-screen name of an NPC in the CS to reflect females? HELP!
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There is NO female voice for the Men At Arms, that is why they won't use female voices.
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