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City upgrades


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Hey guys,


So this is an odd request! I recently updated a mod of mine, Taxes of the Nine Holds 1.1. It has a feature that lets the game track the net amount of taxes the player has paid.


So my mod request is to see if any great modders who are working on some cool city upgrades (like JK) or some mods that add vaults etc; to take a look at my mod see if it can help them build a mod that will upgrade cities, walls, shops etc of the various holds based on the taxes paid?



sorry if this is incoherent, about to go to bed!





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You mean a building city mod?


I think it really great idea for a city mod! But doing that to all cities is a very hard task, it better to start with a place that needs it like morthal, working a little to add a wall around it, a stable, more shops etc.


However, you don't need modding 101 to do all this, very do-able solo. In fact, I think Skyrim ck website is what information you need.


I guess I have idea, I'm not a scriptwriter but I think it like this:


You will need a quest with a script that checks the money paid.

The static items you want enabled has a script that fires as soon as the quest completes, it will make the item appear in game world.

For the npcs, I think make them stay somewhere in game world, or already in game npcs then change them to merchants and such.


I don't know you are scriptwriter more than me.

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