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Maximum number of ESPs?


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What is the maximum number of ESP files you can activate in Oblivion? Does ESM files count as well? How do you know when you reach the limit?

I have so many mods now that I will reach the limit soon I think. So it seems like I will have to start prioritizing which mods to use. I was about to install every unique landscape mod with all its patches but if I do that I don't think their will be any room left for other mods. Those who have tried unique landscapes, do you think its worth having?

Also I'm wondering if it is possible to merge ESPs into the bashed patch in order to save up slots. This is done automatically for some of my mods but I wonder if it is possible to do manually somehow for more of them?

Also I wonder if its possible to like merge two different ESPs into one ESP in order to reduce the number of ESPs? Maybe a tool exists that can do this?

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255, yes esm's count. You'll know because your game won't start.


Unique Landscapes is definitely worth having.


Bashed patch is not the same as a merged mod, you can easily merge mods in the CS though. Open the mods you want to merge in the CS (I'd suggest going with something simple like all clothing or armor first) then open the edit and click merge all. You'll be asked to name the new esp but all references from the mods you merged should be in it and you'll be able to run it instead of all the other esp's it's replacing. Not best for things that are script, dialogue or leveled list heavy however - those are best handled with a bashed patch.

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If a mod is able to be merged and disabled I believe you can also ghost the ESP with Wrye to save another ESP slot (and I believe even BSAs count into the count). I've seen reported that the highest number possible with merge and disable plus ghosting as 400 (but I've only just reached half way on 255, so obviously I have no hands on with that limit).

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If I merge two mods into one, will I lose all progress I've made in the mods in my save?


For example if I have two mods that adds a new armor each and I've have found both armors in my save and then I merge the two mods into one, will I lose the two armors that I have found in my save?

Edited by Grogrokl
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