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Skeleton Key & Security skill issue


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You know what makes it even sweeter ... the higher your level the more tumblers you need to tumble for each level-up tick. If security is a major skill ... well pity you. How do I know this??? Smart guy that I am, I have security as a major. I carry a lot of lockpicks ... a lot (I get antsy when I have less than 500 ... repercussions of running out constantly early in the game). My best friend is J'baana ... first person I seek out after a level-up. Security 89 and counting ... let's see how many picks will I need to reach 100. :laugh:
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LOL ... more like neophyte when I was selecting birthsign and class. Warrior sounded stronger (and I wanted to be strong!! ... carry more stuff, hit like ton of bricks ... aka, strong like bull, dumb like ox). Double warrior doesn't equal efficient leveling. When I create my next guy he'll be quite a bit different ... can you say 'custom class'. I've done a bit of research since then. :whistling:
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Oh, yes, understand completely. I did lots of research before selecting class, then went custom. But I had played Morrowind before, & had figured that out before I got to Oblivion. I think I must have re-started Morrowind at least 3 times before I got it mostly right. Did much better with Oblivion. :)
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