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How do I install Morrowind outside "Program Files"?


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I'm running Windows 7 & have been playing Morrowind (plus expansions, plus mods) w/o any difficulty for some time now. However, it's a serious pain in the ass to have to disable UAC & reboot everytime I want to install or play around with a new mod--followed, of course, by reinstating UAC & rebooting again. I'd really like to be able to do what I did with Fallout 3--that is, install to C:\Fallout3 as opposed to C:\Program Files\Fallout3. I've looked around the forums already & found people asking this same question, only with no answers. Please, someone advise...or am I stuck dealing with "Run As Admin/disable UAC every 5 minutes" garbage?
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Simple really, all you need to do is create a new folder, either on the same drive of a different drive (I call mine "Games"), when you load the game, use the option to let you put in a different place. The result of this is that pesky UAC coesn't get involved, and you can still play Morrowind as normal.


There's just one thing, to create a new folder you must

  1. have administrator privileges or
  2. know the administrator.

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