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Will Skyrim benefit from DX12?


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As per the title, can I expect skyrim to see any major performance gain with the release of DX12? I was considering upgrading my 780 TI to a 980 TI but as skyrim is the only game I cannot currently run then if DX12 was to solve the problem it would tide me other for a bit longer. Being able to combine the VRAM of two GPU's will obviously help everyone with dual GPU's massively but unfortunately I only have one. My card is only beaten by skyrim and to a lesser extent GTAV so I know it's time for an upgrade, but I'm not expecting the 980 TI to cost pocket change so the longer I have to save for it the better.

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What about the Background processes that aren't managed by the game such as the hyper-threading overhaul? Surely ENB will be able to Jury Rig some form of DX12 implementation like it has with DX11? I don't just mean the visual effects, i mean the performance enhancements, like 2x4 GB cards resulting in 8 GB VRAM in DX12 whereas it didn't in DX11

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Now that, I don't know...... it's possible, but, I haven't heard anything about it yet. Probably DX12 isn't common enough for them to play with just yet. After all, it's a Win10 thing, and Win10 hasn't even made it to a "real" release yet. Probably within six months of that event though.... maybe. :)

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DX12 was leaked by AMD i believe as releasing at the same time as windows 10 in late june, so i guess we can only wait and see what happens. The biggest limiting factor currently with skyrim is VRAM, so if Boris can manipulate the DX12 SLI improvements into Skyrim then the skys the limit. We can only hope.

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Doesn't work like that. Engine was developed in DX9, and it will remain in DX9. You need to port the entire engine to DX12 runtime capability, which requires the source code. Boris can't do anything about that.

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