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I got the magazine. It's 10.


where did you get it??

because Im still twiddling my thumbs patiently here, waiting when It comes out in australia..


Edit: notice in this picture it says Bendu Olo (sp?) He's the default character in oblivion (open up the CS and look for Player, his name is Bendu Oluo (Sp? again..))

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Edit: notice in this picture it says Bendu Olo (sp?) He's the default character in oblivion (open up the CS and look for Player, his name is Bendu Oluo (Sp? again..))



I noticed it before, that's probably because they fired up a save game, and "Bendu Olo" is their default name for testing, i guess, nothing special but nice find.

Fun Fact: Bendu Olo is the name of a former king of Anvil.

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Edit: notice in this picture it says Bendu Olo (sp?) He's the default character in oblivion (open up the CS and look for Player, his name is Bendu Oluo (Sp? again..))



I noticed it before, that's probably because they fired up a save game, and "Bendu Olo" is their default name for testing, i guess, nothing special but nice find.

Fun Fact: Bendu Olo is the name of a former king of Anvil.

You could see it as some kind of insider easter egg. :P

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Finnaly good looking characters and NPC's without using a mod!!


Even the mobs looks awesome!


By looking at the pictures you can assume that the character's animations are better done then in Oblivion,the way he hold his weapons and his shield,the way he walks.


There are less Skill schools then in Oblivion but its maybe for a better thing,Mysticism school disapeared but i think the spells are being moved to other magic schools.


When you look at it Alteration can be the new school for Mysticism spells like detect life and stuffs.


The other thing i'm kinda worried about is the UI,like the inventory and spellbook menus.


Hope they will be more readable and enjoyable then before.

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The other thing i'm kinda worried about is the UI,like the inventory and spellbook menus.

Hope they will be more readable and enjoyable then before.



If i understand this correctly there wont be any UI. It will be like this:

The screen is without any UI elements whatsoever, to get to the UI and so to the inventory you will have to do the following procedure:

Press the "Show UI compass button" let the button be F.

So you press F and a compass appeares in the middle of the screen (or other screen position).

There are 4 sides on the compass UP meaning Skills, when you press up (let's say W) your character will look up into the stars (as in the second/third screenshot on the first post) and the stars will form into symbols meaning Destruction, Blade, Athletics etc.

Pressing down (S) on the compass, your character looks down and takes out his map.

Pressing Left (A) will open up some kind of magic menu i can't remember exactly, but similar to the others.

Finally pressing right (D) your character takes out his bag and looks into it like a inventory.


I may read it wrong, but that's how i think it is.

Sounds exciting doesn't it?


EDIT: You can find the info in the screenshot with the title "Inside the Interface"


EDIT 2: I forgot to mention it says " Books will be 3D items that you will be able to pick up and read"

Meaning, you wont select a book and a Book UI will appear, you will grab the book with your hands and go through the pages in 3D (I mean game 3D, not the 3D glasses thing)

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For anyone with the magazine in hand:

On what page number is the section entitled "the radiant story"? And what pages does the article start and end on?

I'm trying to piece together the whole article from scans. So far I have pages 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, and one that might be 58.

So for the whole 14-page article I'm missing 3 pages. These are 48, 53, and 59 or 58 or 46.

If someone could scan these I'd be very grateful indeed! If someone's missing a page I have, just say and I'll post it.

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