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Objects appear in-game, but not in the construction set


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I decided to put more effort into my Dawns Light ship/housing mod and place it on an island and with a better build out. Upon relocating the ship, I made an error and had to remove the ship and try again. Second time around my placement was good. However when I went into the game, I had two of the same characters (Captain Jiub) and an extra trap door.


I thought that I had somehow missed them but when I went back into the CS, there was only 1 Jiub and 1 trap door. Then I thought, maybe the ship was blocking them in the CS. So I removed the ship AGAIN and double checked everything completely clearing the area even of minor things like a log or two. But when I looked at in-game, even though the ship was gone, I still had 2 Jiubs (now in the water) and the trap door was still there.


I can delete the mod and start over from scratch if need be, but I would really like to know why objects are gone in the CS, but still appear in-game and what I can do about it. With the exception of MGE, I'm running everything else vanilla and only using Morrowind as my data file. Any help or a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Edited by Whane
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