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Eww... I've been playing Oblivion. It's bad enough goblin boobs are basically hanging out on goblin women.


There should be a sequel to the lusty argonian maid called. The Lushous Goblin Ladies.

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I do wonder how the underwear will look? I'm pretty sure it won't look like Oblivion's. Dragon of the Loom?


It'd be cool if underwear was customizable too in the beginning when we create our character. And for NPCs, they could get pre-set underwear depending on their status and race. Nobles could wear fine silk undergarments when commoners would wear things like in Oblivion. And every race could have a different tweak to their underwear.


Not that I'm so obsessed with it, but we see underwear all the time in the game when we kill and loot the corpse of an NPC. It better look good.

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Nordic knickers

Dragon diapers

Bosmer bra

Breton bikini

Goblin g-string

Eww... I've been playing Oblivion. It's bad enough goblin boobs are basically hanging out on goblin women.


There should be a sequel to the lusty argonian maid called. The Lushous Goblin Ladies.


**shivers** Eww....


On another note, does anybody know whether or not Steam will be optional for Skyrim? As in, you buy the disc, you don't need Steam?

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It'd be cool if underwear was customizable too in the beginning when we create our character. And for NPCs, they could get pre-set underwear depending on their status and race. Nobles could wear fine silk undergarments when commoners would wear things like in Oblivion. And every race could have a different tweak to their underwear.


Not that I'm so obsessed with it, but we see underwear all the time in the game when we kill and loot the corpse of an NPC. It better look good.

Having no options at all is sucky to say the least. So long as they aren't super ugly I can live with once set for everyone.
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I don't get the appeal of killing kids? I can see if you're really into your character, ie: You assassinate someone and a child witnesses it, thus the function to kill all who've seen you. I just don't see the need... I'm sure they've put something in the game to balance that out. Like kids sleep at night always or such...


It's nice to have complete freedom, but there are limits. I personally wouldn't agree with child killing in any way and I hope it never becomes a function of the game.(modding is obviously gonna have it but that's different, the same goes for nudity, it's a given with people talented and too much free time lol)


I don't understand the supposed morality issue of this. You're allowed to be a maniac and slaughter hundreds of innocent people for literally no reason other than boredom. Apparently, that's okay, but it's far too horrible to allow the player to kill a child. Why is it okay to kill adults, but not children?

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I don't understand the supposed morality issue of this. You're allowed to be a maniac and slaughter hundreds of innocent people for literally no reason other than boredom. Apparently, that's okay, but it's far too horrible to allow the player to kill a child. Why is it okay to kill adults, but not children?

Sure if you're a serial kill I guess not. Why does not being able to bother people though? What you can't be happy unless you can lay waste to the entire game? lol Edited by SHIROryuu
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I don't get the appeal of killing kids? I can see if you're really into your character, ie: You assassinate someone and a child witnesses it, thus the function to kill all who've seen you. I just don't see the need... I'm sure they've put something in the game to balance that out. Like kids sleep at night always or such...


It's nice to have complete freedom, but there are limits. I personally wouldn't agree with child killing in any way and I hope it never becomes a function of the game.(modding is obviously gonna have it but that's different, the same goes for nudity, it's a given with people talented and too much free time lol)


I don't understand the supposed morality issue of this. You're allowed to be a maniac and slaughter hundreds of innocent people for literally no reason other than boredom. Apparently, that's okay, but it's far too horrible to allow the player to kill a child. Why is it okay to kill adults, but not children?


I personally don't have a point system that says, kids are worth 10 evil points, grannies 8, woman 5, and grown men 2. So I see why it doesn't make sense too.


It's ultimately so they can get it rated and publish it. If it's banned everywhere I'd be pissed off. It freaks too many people out having killable kids. Just let the conservative or whoever is in charge of that have this one, I'll admit I have unloaded a clip or 2 at a kid in fallout just because I was having my period and they said the wrong thing.. they just run away, so I have to go on a murder spree. It happens.


Funny, I work with kids on some jobs, most of them at 14ish are trying to get me to play COD online with them, and some times with their parents too. So technically I get to headshot all the kids I want on xbox live anyway :tongue:

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New French interview.


Original: http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/0001/00015533-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-gc-2011-preview.htm



If there is a series that thrilled fans of RPGs, it is certainly that of Elder Scrolls. From Arena to Oblivion, passing by Daggerfall and Morrowind, the saga has continued to make us live epic adventures all over Tamriel. This great continent has not yet revealed all its secrets. The fifth installment of the series also brings in a country that players have not yet had the pleasure to tread: it is time to discover Skyrim!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


One of the main interests of the saga of the Elder Scrolls is to immerse ourselves completely in a coherent and incredibly rich universe. For over five years that you wander into long, wide and across the lands of Cyrodiil through Oblivion? (??) It's time to head north to discover Skyrim. This province is located west of Morrowind and is certainly not the most welcoming of Tamriel: it is populated by the rather boorish Nords and dotted with high mountains swept by the snow. If you are not discouraged, you can always start to conquer the vast pine forests that cover the area and face the many dangers they contain. Stay on guard, it seems that the dragons were seen in the area ...


We have not had the good fortune (or misfortune) to meet one of these legendary creatures during the the game’s presentation. We rather found the first steps of a newly created character. It has been observed on this occasion that it is still possible to embody the 10 races that we already know: it’s up to you if you prefer to slip into the shoes of a Redguard, a wood elf, an Argonian or orc. It is this last option that was finally chosen for the presentation time. We then found that customizing the look of the avatar is still advanced, you can spend hours working on the look of your character in detail. The features of different characters are definitely better than they were in Oblivion. This is naturally true for the decorations too. However, we must admit that the Xbox 360 version that was presented to us didn’t completely dazzle us by its beauty: some textures are a little rough, vegetation lacks in detail, the animations of the enemies are sometimes ridiculous ... This is certainly the price for allowing us to walk in a vast open world.


The playground area of Skyrim should be relatively similar to Oblivion, but developers promise us that the environments are much more dense. Quite simply, everything was done that you were always near a place to explore anywhere on the map. All these small dungeons got special attention from the development teams. We are promised that these won’t be just generic and soulless corridors, each dungeon has a history and specialties that you will uncovered during quests or by browsing books that you find. In this case, we began by exploring a rather classical mine before diving in ruins that are a little more exotic. Specifically, it was a fort half-submerged in the waters of a lake. The first room set the tone so brilliant: we were greeted by an old skeleton hanging on a large rock at the entrance and cascading water tumbling down its sides. This kind of decoration is not really a good sign: necromancers and more agressive piles of bones were waiting curiously in the bowels of the ruins.


We already knew of Skyrim’s combat system through other previews and this presentation has enabled us to discover other aspects of the hero's skills: picking locks in the same way as the survivor of vault 101 from Fallout 3 and crafting many different objects. We can improvise cooking because when conditions permit: combining various ingredients that we harvested or hunted in the wilderness give us the opportunity to prepare a stew that will give up much more than eating raw products. This brave hero is also able to extract minerals with his pick-axe and then use it to forge his own equipment or to improve the statistics of the equipment he already owns. He can also play alchemist by combining random plants and gradually discovering their properties. Finally, you can disenchant a magic item to learn then to reproduce the enchantment in question. You will still need a special gem for a successful second operation.


All these crafts are attractive but they are not necessarily facilitated by the inventory management that has been oversimplified. The contents of your pockets is now listed in a menu. The most powerful equipment are clearly marked and you certainly can choose the objects that interest you the most and then access them easily ... Clearly, this new system is designed so that you do not spend too much time in your inventory. It is not certain that this view pleases all fans of role-playing ... It at least has the merit of not handicapping players who use consoles, but PC gamers who are used to the mouse may miss the old interface of Oblivion. This point of detail, however, shouldn’t prevent anyone from fully appreciating the richness of this famous Skyrim.


Edited by LadyGodiva
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