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When reading through muchacho's RockPaperShotgun preview, I noticed this:


We start dual-casting spells too – at the moment, it’s just one in each hand, fired separately, but there is a perk available that lets you combo both hands into one mega-spell.


Huh? So you can't cast with both hands at once right from the start?


Oh, and also to block and bash, plus set enemies on fire for extra damage. They’re not mere light sources any more.


So you can block with a torch but not with a one-handed sword? That makes sense. :/

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When reading through muchacho's RockPaperShotgun preview, I noticed this:


We start dual-casting spells too – at the moment, it’s just one in each hand, fired separately, but there is a perk available that lets you combo both hands into one mega-spell.


Huh? So you can't cast with both hands at once right from the start?


Oh, and also to block and bash, plus set enemies on fire for extra damage. They’re not mere light sources any more.


So you can block with a torch but not with a one-handed sword? That makes sense. :/


yanks4champs Daniel

@DCDeacon Thanks! So if you have a 1 hander in your right hand, will LT perform a block if nothing is equipped in left hand?

8 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

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Pete Hines

@yanks4champs Right

8 hours ago via TweetDeck


I think you can't bash though.

Edited by Corakus
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I think without the perk, you can still use both at the same time, it just won't be substantially stronger. I'm just guessing though, so I'm not sure. I don't get what's confusing people about blocking though. I thought we were all on the same page with that...


@Camonna-Just looked up HVD and holy crap, that makes Blu-ray look like a chump! Hopefully someone picks up the tech and starts producing public products for it so Blu-ray stuff will get cheaper...

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Back in the 80s it was mostly consoles for gaming, those in their late 20 and 30s everyone had ataris and NES. Or amigas and Sinclairs. PCs were quite expensive in those days. 66Mhz 486s and then the P1s were like £800. so it's cheaper now for a PC, which are over 1000 times more powerful (lol not even exaggerating that number)

I wasn't fortunate to own a pc or pc wannabe, but played them a lot toward the late 80s. Either through friends or family. Cammadore 64?! I can remember playing Intelevision too. Ahhh the good ol' days. Not to mention 80s/90s cartoons!
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Back in the 80s it was mostly consoles for gaming, those in their late 20 and 30s everyone had ataris and NES. Or amigas and Sinclairs. PCs were quite expensive in those days. 66Mhz 486s and then the P1s were like £800. so it's cheaper now for a PC, which are over 1000 times more powerful (lol not even exaggerating that number)

I wasn't fortunate to own a pc or pc wannabe, but played them a lot toward the late 80s. Either through friends or family. Cammadore 64?! I can remember playing Intelevision too. Ahhh the good ol' days. Not to mention 80s/90s cartoons!



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Back in the 80s it was mostly consoles for gaming, those in their late 20 and 30s everyone had ataris and NES. Or amigas and Sinclairs. PCs were quite expensive in those days. 66Mhz 486s and then the P1s were like £800. so it's cheaper now for a PC, which are over 1000 times more powerful (lol not even exaggerating that number)

I wasn't fortunate to own a pc or pc wannabe, but played them a lot toward the late 80s. Either through friends or family. Cammadore 64?! I can remember playing Intelevision too. Ahhh the good ol' days. Not to mention 80s/90s cartoons!





Kamehameha/Hadouken hehe, that's exactly what I thought when he slowed time and killed that Draugr Lord (or whatever) in that demo.


Cannot wait to see the rest of the shouts!


I believe we've seen.



Slow Time


Fire Breath

Unrelenting Force

Speed Rush???


I feel like I've missed some... :s

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Sometimes, I wish there was a like button.



@Frutzk-I think that's all of the current confirmed shouts.



Have there been any articles detailing archery perks?

Edited by AltreU
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