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Skyrim Information


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I'm a little worried about skyrim .. I dont know if its going to make the sales they want it to .. its still gonna be my personal GOTY but theres a lot of other games out there that are waaay more popular and coming out within the same time frame .. BatmanAC, Assassins Creed R, BF3,MW3,SR3,Rage,DarkSouls,Uncharted3.. I mean .. we all know this but I think as elder scrolls fans we dont really look at it ..ma lot these games are much more popular and could combined completely blow TESV chances at going down in the books as an undisputed goty title like oblivion and f3 were .. and I know its just a title and in the long run it will easily outsells the other games.. but it still helps them as a franchise to have records like that and I think a lot of us are expecting it.


I've seen a lot of those games and the fans. Funny thing is Skyrim got the most people that will buy it before the Year is over for Game Informer. More than any other game. Anyways it's not like Skyrim isn't 2nd (Last time I checked.) On the 360 Top rated. Fallout 3, Oblivion and Skyrim are in the top 5 so Yeah popularity doesn't mean good. Kinda like Justin Bieber.

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Here in portugal games can go up to 80 euros, it´s ridiculous.I do think carefull about what games should I buy my planned games for this year are skyrim for pc and uncharted 3 for ps3 obviously, ACR I will still think about it cause in my opinion ACR has a worthless multiplayer mode and giving 70 euros or more for half (single player is quite good) the game does not worth it.Skyrim is number one on my list and will get it for sure since my it´s near my birthday.
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It's pretty stupid how we only buy games that meet our requirements. I'd rather buy a game knowing next to nothing about it and be surprised about it when I play. That ups the game value for me. When I borrowed Red Dead from a friend last year all I knew about it was that 1) it was popular and 2) it was cowboy western themed. I was completely blown away by the story, gameplay, voice acting, everything. But for games like Skyrim we already know the gist of the plot, most of the gameplay and a lot of aspects of the game. There's very little that we do not know about it. Now we won't be surprised when we play, only satisfied or let down. This system of checking up on a game waaaay before release is due to the fact that no one wants to throw 60$ on blind luck. If games cost 20$, I wouldn't even read reviews. I would just read the basic aspect of a game and buy it If remotely sounds like fun. They need to change the system. Edited by Violentguy
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This last generation has seen both a rather large price increase, and a growing market. However, I really can't see launch prices going much more than say the PS3 $499 launch price.


fun facts:


NES was priced about $150

SNES $200

N64 $200

Gamecube $200

Wii $250


PS1 $299

PS2 $299

PS3 $499


Xbox $299

360 $399



IIRC even NES games back in the day were something $40-50 when they were new. In that latest gen, game prices rose by quite a bit.


The industry is currently selling at the, I forget the actual term used in economics, but it's nearly at the maximum price threshold that the market can actually sustain. Once it gets to over certain price than, then less consumers buy\ are cut out. Then the total revenue in the market decreases. I wouldn't expect developers to be spending more on the budget of their games either, some games end up costing near enough $100 million to develop, they can't feasible spend much more imo. The customers can't really fork out too much more than they already have been. $70 on a game? it better be worth it. So I think it's basically topping out around about now. I expect an increase, but a much more subtle increase than this last generation brought.

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Yeah but inflation is gonna screw everything up. Inflation coupled with rising unemployment is a huge no no for industry.


PCs and electronics are actually cheaper now then 20 years ago. A pentium 1 system was about £800-1000. But yeah, if anything cost of living has increase at a rate 1.5x that of inflation, at least since the 80s. Oh well, what are you going to do. pssh :confused:

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It's pretty stupid how we only buy games that meet our requirements. I'd rather buy a game knowing next to nothing about it and be surprised about it when I play. That ups the game value for me. When I borrowed Red Dead from a friend last year all I knew about it was that 1) it was popular and 2) it was cowboy western themed. I was completely blown away by the story, gameplay, voice acting, everything. But for games like Skyrim we already know the gist of the plot, most of the gameplay and a lot of aspects of the game. There's very little that we do not know about it. Now we won't be surprised when we play, only satisfied or let down. This system of checking up on a game waaaay before release is due to the fact that no one wants to throw 60$ on blind luck. If games cost 20$, I wouldn't even read reviews. I would just read the basic aspect of a game and buy it If remotely sounds like fun. They need to change the system.


There is still a lot we don't know. We don't even know 1% or so of the game. As for the tech and consoles thing I saw a Wii at Walmart for $700 when it came out. I was like isn't that illegal they said no. But seriously in a dozen years or so we will have tech that will laugh at things today. I mean I am sure one day we will get past the peak we are at now. I mean seriously a 1961 Supercomputer costed the U.S. 1.1 Trillion for one PSFLOPS when today it would be $1.48 to run it.

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I agree with Violentguy as far as the price and how it effects how we view games .. I always want to know a ton about the game so I dont waste my money .. but thats not always the reason I want to know more .. skyrim is the perfect example.

I want to see more of skyrim .. not to ruin it for myself but to prepare myself so I'm not disapointed when I get less than I want ..for example .. I stopped reading the demo playthrus after the first reporters at quakecon .. I read one from pax then saw people discribing the random encounters and I had to stop so I wouldnt spoil it for myself .. but I still want to see more graphics and more NPC conversation .. right now I have my hopes set really high for the NPC conversations and relationships and I know its not going to be that good .. same goes for the graphics.. But I plan to own skyrim no matter what cause I know its going to be fantastic.

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Skyrim was a bad example to prove my point. We want to know about it cuz it's a great game and many of us are so enthralled in it. But for low profile games I think my point holds some merit to it. Like when I was looking forward to BFBc2. I liked the first one, but I wasn't gonna spend another 60$ if bc2 was exactly the same. So I was forced into reading about most of the game in order to see if my investment was sound. Turned out it was, thankfully. BFBC2 is still my favorite FPS.
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