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I had a dream about Skyrim . . . I visited Whiterun, Solitude, and other cities and killed a few wolves . . . >.< I need this game already!

29 more days, and the time is flying by.

I recommend you to play any other games you have, because you will not see them for a long time when Skyrim gets released. :thumbsup:

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I had a dream about Skyrim . . . I visited Whiterun, Solitude, and other cities and killed a few wolves . . . >.< I need this game already!

29 more days, and the time is flying by.

I recommend you to play any other games you have, because you will not see them for a long time when Skyrim gets released. :thumbsup:


Haha! ;D That's what I'm doing. :P I know Skyrim is going to be my sole interest for months.

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I had a dream about Skyrim . . . I visited Whiterun, Solitude, and other cities and killed a few wolves . . . >.< I need this game already!

29 more days, and the time is flying by.

I recommend you to play any other games you have, because you will not see them for a long time when Skyrim gets released. :thumbsup:


;D Hahaha. Oblivion is so going to get neglected when Skyrim comes out. ^^

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You CAN dual weild without a perk :) i know this because i've played it at the Eurogamer :) if anyone has any questions i'll happily answer them (assuming i know)


Tell us your skyrim demo story ! o:


Well i don't really know what to say, i'd easily describe it if people ask me specific questions, but overall i ran around taking in the environment and i did some dual wielding straight away (which is why i thought you don't need a perk for it), although i sucked and got killed a couple of times... i'm usually alrite/good at games, but this was on the xbox and i've never touched one before, i'm a pc person myself.. anyway, i walked around, sprinting and jumping, If i remember right stamina isn't lost when you jump, so that's a bit weird. Also, when you go into the water, you get a split second of seeing through the water like through air (like you did in oblivion if you were floating and looked at the right angle). I was walking around and got to Riverwood, that village that Todd Howard went to in his demo. I started talking to some people, tried to be civilised, but people were telling me to attack them. eventually i said, why not and went for it. i tried dual weilding the flame spell but it quickly runs out of magicka, so i had to use the weapons provided with the character. I lasted for a surprisingly long ammount of time against three people determined to kill me. I did manage to kill one villager and the rest went: 'murder, murder' like in oblivion. Bit disappointing that they still have this, but oh well, too many things have changed if i'm honest, feels like a completely different game, It was pretty darn fun, the second time i got killed by a random bandit that was chilling there. In my third attempt i managed to kill a necromancer who was actually doing stuff at his little necro-table ( :D ) and to my surprise the place looked like it was actually in use, unlike the ones in oblivion which might as well have been unused for ages.... also the necromancer had a lot of cool stuff on him, so a necromancer hunt would prove quite rewarding (tho it mightve been because of the high level character i was given) as for the character customisation stage, i didn't even kind of care about it, i didn't want to waste any of my twenty minutes on it, as i didn't want to queue up for another hour for another session... uh, the horses were a lot more realistic....OH! and i booted a wolf in the face!! :D slash, slash, slash KICK!!!!! twas pretty awesome :D If i remember any other things i'll write them here, although i got most of the stuff down :)

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Dude, leave spaces in your post, my eyes hurt with all that text. :blink:



Better? ;) sorry, didn't think of leaving spaces...



Well i don't really know what to say, i'd easily describe it if people ask me specific questions, but overall i ran around taking in the environment and i did some dual wielding straight away (which is why i thought you don't need a perk for it), although i sucked and got killed a couple of times...


i'm usually alrite/good at games, but this was on the xbox and i've never touched one before, i'm a pc person myself.. anyway, i walked around, sprinting and jumping, If i remember right stamina isn't lost when you jump, so that's a bit weird. Also, when you go into the water, you get a split second of seeing through the water like through air (like you did in oblivion if you were floating and looked at the right angle).




I was walking around and got to Riverwood, that village that Todd Howard went to in his demo. I started talking to some people, tried to be civilised, but people were telling me to attack them. eventually i said, why not and went for it. i tried dual weilding the flame spell but it quickly runs out of magicka, so i had to use the weapons provided with the character. I lasted for a surprisingly long ammount of time against three people determined to kill me. I did manage to kill one villager and the rest went: 'murder, murder' like in oblivion. Bit disappointing that they still have this, but oh well, too many things have changed if i'm honest,



It feels like a completely different game, It was pretty darn fun, the second time i got killed by a random bandit that was chilling there. In my third attempt i managed to kill a necromancer who was actually doing stuff at his little necro-table ( ) and to my surprise the place looked like it was actually in use, unlike the ones in oblivion which might as well have been unused for ages...


also the necromancer had a lot of cool stuff on him, so a necromancer hunt would prove quite rewarding (tho it mightve been because of the high level character i was given) as for the character customisation stage, i didn't even kind of care about it, i didn't want to waste any of my twenty minutes on it, as i didn't want to queue up for another hour for another session...


uh, the horses were a lot more realistic....OH! and i booted a wolf in the face!! slash, slash, slash KICK!!!!! twas pretty awesome If i remember any other things i'll write them here, although i got most of the stuff down

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Dude, leave spaces in your post, my eyes hurt with all that text. :blink:



Better? ;) sorry, didn't think of leaving spaces...





Much! :thumbsup:

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