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I am so glad they went back to Morrowind's theme, and used that as base. I actually still listen to the Morrowind music when I am at my computer, and I never get tired of that theme... I could probably set it on replay hundreds of times and still enjoy it... And if I queue all the music from Morrowind, Oblivion and the Skyrim Teaser theme - then I got the complete musical enjoyment! :D

Thank you Jeremy Soule, for making such great music!!!

Hear, hear! I can't get enough of the music. On my Ipod, they go wherever I go, with specific playlists for emotional states to accompany whatever I might want to do, with appropriate soundtrack accompaniment.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif


The GameInformer Skyrim Cover is coming to Europe!! :D (Oh, and Australia :P )


Whoah! Thanks for the heads-up, man! Seeing the screens has really made me like to get my hands on a copy. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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So so soooo sweet! Awesome to have a proper animation-engine confirmed. That part has been a major turnoff in all their recent gamebryo-games. The weather-system that is supposed to simulate snow falling on to the ground and objects will also be very interesting to see in action some day!
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It also seems that Esbern will die in the end. Lampert says during the interview, that Mark Von Sydow liked all the fighting and dying in the end when he was reading the script... And I doubt the voice actors reads the script of everyone else, so it seems to me that Esbern will die in the end.



bah, becoming a real pain to edit that post now - It's getting kinda long^^

I think he meant " Could die", I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines of "we recorded everyone saying this, saying that, and dying." I think he meant there won't be a linear plotline like in oblivion, and your actions really sway the outcome, not just like fallout sway, where you either do something, or have someone else do the same thing, then it ends, but a real choice, where you can choose charge in and save the day, or watch the world fall apart. Maybe there'll actually be common sensey ways to fail the main quest.I remember in Oblivion I just kept attacking the emperor in the dungeon, and constantly fighting with all the unkillable npcs in the main quest, and only found like 2-3 places where I can actually fail the main quest, and that only resulted in a popup saying "[name here] has died, there is no hope now." What if I want Dagonpocalypse or dragons to eat the world, what if.....

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Yeah, you may be right about that. It would be amazing if they made it like that, where there would be real consequences for not helping characters and such! :)

And yeah, the Oblivion Main Quest was way too linear!

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Yeah, you may be right about that. It would be amazing if they made it like that, where there would be real consequences for not helping characters and such! :)

And yeah, the Oblivion Main Quest was way too linear!

If I can't play my fiddle while Skyrim burns, I'll consider their new engine kind of a failure :( Even if my indifference at some point means my guy will pass the point of no return and the world will be doomed, he'll be killed and unable to continue robbing and beating people up :devil: . If they threaten to blow up the world if I don't do their little quest, they'd better bring some C4, and that dragon dude that eats worlds too. "Failure is always an option!" :P

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Yeah, you may be right about that. It would be amazing if they made it like that, where there would be real consequences for not helping characters and such! :)

And yeah, the Oblivion Main Quest was way too linear!

If I can't play my fiddle while Skyrim burns, I'll consider their new engine kind of a failure :( Even if my indifference at some point means my guy will pass the point of no return and the world will be doomed, he'll be killed and unable to continue robbing and beating people up :devil: . If they threaten to blow up the world if I don't do their little quest, they'd better bring some C4, and that dragon dude that eats worlds too. "Failure is always an option!" :P


Completely agree. I actually never did the main Oblivion question, despite many years of playing it. I always got to closing the Gates part and got really bored, so then decided to just do guild quests and run around trying to find artifacts and boost my skills.


Shivering Isles was fun to do the main quest however.

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YES, now you can also add the confirmation of a "Creation-kit" for modders to Skyrim right at the top with huge burning red letters :laugh: It was just mentioned on their blog/twitter.



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