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if they can fix the walking in this game and make it look realstic, then this game was a vast improvement. what kinds of things do you guys think they're be showing on e-3? humor me, speculate
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Well, the model would only be the start, it'd be up to modders to make the evil overlords true to form. We can't expect Beth to do all that hard work. Familiars in general would be a great addition. I'm fully in favor of being able to talk to dragons as well. Riding one would be cool, but wouldn't really fit, though I did really enjoy SaidenStorms Akatosh mounts in Oblivion.
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You can buy the GameInformer Magazine at Gamestop stores. :)


Don't have gamestop stores in australia, where else could I get it?

norway has gamestop stores I know because im norwegian Rogaland/sandnes/hommersåk


vet ikke hvor du bur da :-P men er normalt gamestop butikker i kjøpesentre gameinformer kan jo kjøper på 7eleven også da :-) eller noen annen som mixen butikk :-)

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