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I disagree. I think they are closed, but enemies can enter them. This wouldn't be to different from oblivion, where a enemy could follow you out a dungeon. A closed city doesn't mean it can't be entered, it just mean it's a different environment. You could have the dragon appearing to fly over the city wall to enter the city, as I doubt it's closed to the sky.
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I wonder if a city will get owned with no chance of you saving it. *Kvatch*

The broken city theme i have no troubles with but for gods sake let me explore it. Basement would have survived a fire and daedra at least.

Edited by runforitkyle
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So - as I thought - there is no official source saying "dragons came from Akavir" (I will not consider an UESP page an official source)? It seems to me that too many people see "dragons lived on Akavir" and draw a conclusion that the tamrielic ones had to come from there...


Well, you may not think of it as official, but Bethesda do. :P


They use UESP to find the lore of previous games, so I would say it's quite cannon.^^

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So - as I thought - there is no official source saying "dragons came from Akavir" (I will not consider an UESP page an official source)? It seems to me that too many people see "dragons lived on Akavir" and draw a conclusion that the tamrielic ones had to come from there...


Well, you may not think of it as official, but Bethesda do. :P


They use UESP to find the lore of previous games, so I would say it's quite cannon.^^


Not only that, but the UESP uses the in-game books (written by the devs) to collect their lore.

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Not only that, but the UESP uses the in-game books (written by the devs) to collect their lore.

I know - but there isn't a single book saying that "dragons come from Akavir". For all we know, they could have moved there from Tamriel, and the ones attacking in Skyrim could be completely unrelated to them. Especcially seeing that we can read in an ingame book that all dragons on Akavir died during the Tsaesci - Po Tun wars...


They use UESP to find the lore of previous games, so I would say it's quite cannon.^^

You know, I often look up things in Wikipedia, yet I know that not everything written there is neccessarily the truth. The same might be with Bethesda employees and UESP....

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Ok i know i what i was saying that "Dragons came from Akavir" i know it wasnt an actual fact, it was just a introduction to the main message of my post, theres no reason to fight over that argument, the UESWP is a great source of information but the elder scrolls lore is something uncertain, there are legends, songs, tales, is not something that makes something true or false.


The main thing i wanted to say was "Hey, it wouldnt hurt to have some dragons with a bit of asian influence as long as they dont look out of place in Syrim."

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It's true that dragons aren't necessary coming from akavir this time (as they return from... hum... somewhere in relation with skyrim perhaps ?).


About the walled citys i think that the walls just load you (Toad said that and added "instead of clicking a door" as i hearded it...), and it seems it fits with the dragons attack as you are in a city and you may want to go on the wall to shoot arrows etc... (i think that guards will be on the walls too to defend their city)


But great (and less great...) news from : http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1188422-german-pcgames-article/


- "There will also be some friendly dragons you can speak with" which is awesome !


Obviously facebook connection and lockpiking may not be a great idea... dunno what do you think ? (hope we could do noctunal quest at lvl 11 to totaly cheat the game again :P )

Edited by Laurelorn
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