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I think it goes a bit beyond just animations. There are games that have implemented horses very well such as Red Dead and I would think they want the bar raised to at least that level...which is pretty dang high. But the other considerations is horse combat. Then another layer of complication...horse combat with dragons.


Are you a sitting duck when dragons attack if you are one a horse or is there an advantage? Is it only an advantage in certain terrain? There are lots of factors to consider when throwing a horse into the mix. They added a horse into Oblivion without considering (or ignoring) combat. You can see there was LOTS of interest in the community for mounted combat as well as using the mount system for ways it was never intended such as turning just about every creature into a mount as well (ogres, goblins, fish, dragons, flying carpets, etc.)


So even if they don't have the most fantastic mount system, I'm glad they plan to include something so modders will be able to have something as a basis to utilize for more creative work.


EDIT: Regarding rideable dragons as a DLC, that would be highly irritating if the code was not included in the base game. We all know what a pain it is to modify DLCs. It would be a bit better if the DLCs were released as ESM/ESP files so other mods can be based on them without the butchery of the mod de-isolation (don't get me wrong, that method was brilliant on the part of modders).



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We definitely won't exclude them [...] if we choose to include them.

So is that a "yes" for mounts or... ? Maybe it just means that mounts aren't ruled out yet.


Also, maybe ridable Dragons in the future?


Most likely: Mounts aren't ruled out yet. If they can't get the animations like they want them between now and release, though, they won't include them.


I've got an idea...they'll probably make ride-able dragons in a DLC/expansion. :woot: They know already that fans have been begging them since announcement for ride-able dragons. They obviously won't do it in the original game for logical reasons: the dragons are the enemy (most of them, anyway). So why not just make it an add-on later?


That would be an awesome addition, Auriana! :D

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I think it goes a bit beyond just animations. There are games that have implemented horses very well such as Red Dead and I would think they want the bar raised to at least that level...which is pretty dang high. But the other considerations is horse combat. Then another layer of complication...horse combat with dragons.


Are you a sitting duck when dragons attack if you are one a horse or is there an advantage?


When you put it that way, it seems like horse mounts are even less likely. Considering that Todd keeps saying that they're working on it and not happy with it yet, the chances of having mounts at all appears to be slim and none. :confused:


Well, the game will seem even bigger if you have to walk to most places....I know that was something some people liked about Morrowind.

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Page two of Gamer.no 's interview with Todd Howard (Translation in the spoiler):




How many characters can you kill? Is it possible to go on killing spree and wipe out entire cities?

- Yes, you can wipe out virtually entire cities. I think there is one thing that everyone says that they will do, but nobody does. And it takes us months of development to make it possible. But yeah, we try to facilitate this as good as possible.


In Oblivion, it was possible to find a unique unicorn. Is there such a thing in Skyrim too, such as an abominable snowman?

- I will not reveal every easter egg of the game here! But yes, we have hidden content, and it's not a unicorn.


Morrowind and Oblivion had huge development community among the players. Is there anything they have created which you have chosen to integrate into Skyrim?

- Yep, a lot actually. Much of what goes on the balance sheet. For example, where quick progress should be, or how difficult the game is. One modification we've learned a lot from is actually very simple, and played on how archery works. It made bows harder to draw, but made them deal more damage. That is something you'll notice in Skyrim.


In Oblivion game performance began to decline after a while. Have you fixed this?

- This is actually something we sorted out with an update at Oblivion. I feel that we have much better grip on the platforms we are developing now. There is still a game people can come to play over 500 hours, and it is a challenge for us. We are much better, but can not guarantee that you can play so long without problems.


Do you have core attributes such as strength and endurance in addition to the more specific?

- Okay, so you have 21 different minor attributes. Then there are three core attributes: magic, health and stamina. A fan can come to say "you removed my eight core capabilities," and I reply "what do you want?". "I must have intelligence, because it affects my magic." Well, now you have a simple statistic of magic. Do you want to increase your skills in magic as you put points in magic, you do not have to detour through intelligence.


Skyrim will be the first involvement many have with The Elder Scrolls series. Do you do anything to make the start of the series smoother?

- We assume always that you have not played any of our previous games. All games are a game of their own. I think that this is easier to get into because of the way it starts. Many are probably introduced to our games because they are nice first-person games, is accustomed to the Call of Duty and thinking "alright, I will try role playing." Our experience is that these can handle the depth after a few hours.


Do you have anything gameplay-wise outside of the game? For example, through websites or iOS applications.

- This is something we've thought a bit about, and are currently playing around with.


Is it possible to buy a house?

- It is possible to buy a currently unspecified number of houses.


Will the narrowing of the core characteristics make it easier to combine, for example, sword fighting with magic? Is it easier to be a hybrid?

- It's up to you! You spend your points as you will, but to upgrade the various minor attributes through the new system, you need to have a certain number of points in the attribute. If you want to have the most awesome features you need to invest quite a bit in them. What our system first and foremost do is let you change your mind.


How are sword fighting? Can you choose to hew to the left or right?

- Yes, you choose the direction with the control stick. It is also possible to perform different combo attacks, jump back and stuff.


Do you get special skills by upgrading an attribute or gaining a level?

- It's by upgrading attributes. You invest points in them, and given the opportunity to select various special attacks and such things. It is basically like a regular skill-tree, just that there are certain requirements before you can open various tricks. What you typically do is to check for a special attack you like, before deciding whether to use, for instance the sword more often to unlock it.


In previous games you could increase skills by casting "unlock door" fifty times on a door, and the like. Is this still possible?

- We have resolved most of the issues. Some of the qualities we have, for example, rid of, like "Athletics" and "Acrobatics". For who creates a character and think "I'll role-play a guy who runs"? Much of the repetitive action program is usually just removed.


How much freedom, the new game engine Gamebryo their counter?

- Many believe Gamebryo is a game engine, it does not - it's a foundation. When we used it for Fallout 3 and Oblivion, we did a lot of graphics work with it, now we're doing everything our self. We notice it most in flexibility. If we want to add new magic effects, we have far more leeway for it now. We also have a new system to make trees now. We previously used Speed ​​Tree, which has been replaced with our own system that allows us to create more detailed flora.

- a lot of so-called "middleware" is very good, and I like it well. We use such as Havok physics engine yet. The problem is that they must create solutions that work for everyone and we want something that is tailor-made for us in the greatest possible extent.


Can you remove the enemy's limbs?>

- What should I say? Yes, there is a kind of system, but not like in Fallout 3


Can you change your gender?

- Changing gender? Do you mean choose? If so - yes, you can choose to be a man or woman. You can not change your sex later on.


Would like to have sex huge impact on the game?

- There will be some differences, but they are small. Some characters behave differently, but it will pretty much be the same game.


Does the game change once you reach a really high level of experience, or do you just do more damage? Have you introduced any new systems for this?

- The game changes! This was something we wanted to change, and is part of the reason why we introduced these special skills. There were special skills in Oblivion as well, four for each property, but they were unlocked automatically. In addition, there are a lot of new magic and the dragonshouts, so it will be very different.


In the previous games shared many characters on the same voice acting. Have you improved it?

- Definitely. We are continuously working on this since Morrowind and it was better in both Oblivion and Fallout 3 We have many more voice actors this time.


How do actors react to this? Will they engage more?

- Yes, it's something we've noticed. We can imagine, "Liam Neeson is a wonderful father to game shape," and actually be able to get with Liam Neeson in the team. It is probably because the series has become more known, but video games have generally been given more leeway in the collective consciousness. For many actors, it is cool to do voice acting for video games, and it's not about money. It's good art, and the agents tell them that it's good for their career.


Can you say something about who we hear?

- Well, Max von Sydow's announced. We will reveal a lot in the future, and you will probably be pleasantly surprised. I say this not just as a publicity stunt. Role list looks really interesting.


Have you changed anything in the user sitting that you have not mentioned?

- You have such as how the accused works when you sneak. Previously you only the extent to which you are discovered, now you see what mode the enemies are in, among other things, whether they are suspicious or aggressive. This is affected by sneaking your property.


Are there children in the game?

- Yes, there are children in the game.


Can they be turned unconscious?

- No, they can not be unconscious. This system is like in Fallout 3


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim published 11 November for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

We watched the game at an event in Salt Lake City, USA. The trip there and stay was paid by developer Bethesda Softworks.



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Morrowind and Oblivion had huge development community

What do you mean "had" ?!?!?!?!


Is there anything they (mod community) have created which you have chosen to integrate into Skyrim

LOL, it is easy to see that a LOT of the cool new stuff is heavily influenced by the top mods released for Oblivion. It is a good thing he replied honestly with "a lot" :tongue:


EDIT: Regarding killable kids, you can read between the lines in just this interview alone. At one point they agree that you can go on a killing spree and wipe out an entire village...at another point, they say kids are in the game. Put 2-n-2 together.

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EDIT: Regarding killable kids, you can read between the lines in just this interview alone. At one point they agree that you can go on a killing spree and wipe out an entire village...at another point, they say kids are in the game. Put 2-n-2 together.


2+2= Kids would die, the problem with that is the game would probably end up being illegal. Hopefully I'll get some info regarding kids and their stance in the game soon.

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