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And for those thinking, "The yeti looks so cute, I want to cuddle with it!"


Here is a more fearsome yeti...


(Yeah, I know, who doesn't want to cuddle that thing?)

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Got a new interview; Link.


My favorite part;


Yeah it does, obviously the PC version looks better. It has higher textures, it can run much higher resolution and a lot more graphic features. We tend to show it on 360 so that it’s a good baseline for people to look at. So when they then see the PC version it’s going to go up.


Nice to know we're getting special treatment :D

Edited by jhardingame
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I remember the reason why they're demonstrating it on the PC this E3. Anyone who saw the Behind the Scenes video for Oblivion will know about the technical nightmares they had trying to get a good PC working in time for E3. It kept shorting out and dying on them.
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If you're able to get infected with Lycantrophy will i be like a... classical werewolf, or a Yeti-werewolf?


I'm afraid we can't answer that, as we know as much as you. ;)


But I doubt it's a yeti-werewolf, as that would have to be a mix between a man, a wolf and a yeti. ;D

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I don't know why, but despite so much repeated info in that Interview, I feel more assured than ever that this game will just be amazing, I am glad they're listening to what the gamers say to a large extent.
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Character creation and Argonians is all I want to see until the release date.

I would love to see the new features they added to the character creation, especially the face paint, scars etc.


And I am still waiting for the collectors edition, I want to spend as much as possible for Skyrim!

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No info on Character Creation yet? Why not push Pete Hines over the edge and ask him?

Or try asking sweetly, I don't know.


In that order? :biggrin:

Agree that they should release some information on that though. No matter how many hours I spent on character creation I couldn't make anything that actually looked human... Unless I used the custom races that is

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