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Racial movement speed is the same?

I sure hope that the weight method works a lot better then I think.

On the other side, running with light speed was stupid and you couldn't admire the landscape, the copy-pasted landscape.


Every bit of negative information I hear, actually makes sense at some degree. Except the removal of attributes.

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Racial movement speed is the same?

I sure hope that the weight method works a lot better then I think.

On the other side, running with light speed was stupid and you couldn't admire the landscape, the copy-pasted landscape.


Every bit of negative information I hear, actually makes sense at some degree. Except the removal of attributes.


I know it's not in the way you want it, and actually, not in the way I want it either, but attributes are still in, just shorten down from 8 to 3: Health, Magicka and Stamina.

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I know it's not in the way you want it, and actually, not in the way I want it either, but attributes are still in, just shorten down from 8 to 3: Health, Magicka and Stamina.


I hope they balanced those 3 attributes.


Did you people know that this is a screenshot?

Looks like high quality concept art, but it's not.



Confirmed by Pete Hines: http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/24025244436004864

Edited by Iv000
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I still haven't pre-ordered yet...I'm holding out for some kind of collectors editon...but if there's no chance of that I should just get it. I all ready ordered Mass Effect 3, Skyrim is really the only other game I need to pre order soon. The other ones I want are RAGE, Saint's Row: The Third, and maybe Metro:Last Light, but only RAGE is available for Pre-Order on steam so far.


But damn, I can't wait for Skyrim...I wanna play so bad

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You look at Call of Duty, the most popular game in the world, and that's actually pretty hardcore. At the end of the day, it's a hardcore game, has RPG elements in multiplayer, making classes, picking perks. I think the audiences are there, and we tend to make our game more for ourselves and other people who play a lot of games.


Todd, why? :facepalm:

Get COD out of your damn head before you destroy TES!


He pretty much destroyed it already. Oblivion, remember? What made that game bad? It was targeted for different audience altogether. For kids. The handholding trough the entire game, with little to none thinking required. The fast paced hack 'n' slay gameplay. Skyrim doesn't seem to improve on this in any manner.

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He pretty much destroyed it already. Oblivion, remember? What made that game bad? It was targeted for different audience altogether. For kids. The handholding trough the entire game, with little to none thinking required. The fast paced hack 'n' slay gameplay. Skyrim doesn't seem to improve on this in any manner.


Oblivion wasn't Morrowind 2, but it was a very very good game, despite it being simplified.

Skyrim maybe isn't going the best path, but it is going in the right direction.

I don't know about you, but I would choose Skyrim over Morrowind any time.

Yes, it is simplified, but you can see that Todd wants to do the right stuff, even when he sometimes does unnecessary decisions.

I can tell I overreacted at all of the negative news, I didn't even look at their bright sides.

Classes are gone: You can create YOUR character, the removal of classes actually means more customization. You don't have to choose what you are from the beginning, just get straight into the game and play how you want.

Attributes are gone: No more micro managing every single skill so that you can increase your attributes by 5.

Etc Etc,

Todd is doing the right decisions, trust me.

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I agree with you, lv000, in that I like the idea that classes are gone. That way, I don't have to worry about picking a certain number of skills that will be the only ones to level up my character. All skills will go towards level ups. I think it's better and more efficient. In addition, with the elimination of most attributes, there's no worrying about strength limiting your encumbrance or speed inhibiting your ability to run away.


Another thought: I think combat is going to be a lot more deadly and require a lot more strategy. Enemies appear to be smarter (AI-wise), tougher, and more responsive to the player. In my opinion, players will have to strategize and think battles out (especially with dragons)...maybe even retreat. This recalls some battles from Morrowind - which I thoroughly enjoyed. :)


I have full confidence in Todd and his team. I believe they've learned from the reactions to Oblivion, and have come back better than ever.


On a side note, that screenshot is awesome! :woot: I think I'm just going to stare at High Hrothgar for an hour or so when I get the game. :P

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