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Has more ingredients then Morrowind and Oblivion TOGETHER?!

Radiant AI makes every new game unique?!

Changing the path of a river?!

Each race will have its own fighting style, based on the strength, weight, culture and some other attributes?!


That's madness, seriously.

I'm waiting for Matt's approval on this, if this is true, I'm getting the most expensive edition of Skyrim that will be available.

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Yeah, it's beyond belief, so I won't even be disappointed if it's not true, and if it is true, I will... I don't know... I can't say I would then buy the CE, as I will do that anyways^^
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I'm getting the CE anyway if it's available somewhere near me. Because everybody wants me to pay 50 euro more for delivery...


Also, Skyrim is evolving from a RPG to a fantasy simulator created by the NASA.


I would love to write down some grammatically correct sentences that could tell how excited and happy I am about this.

But its 15 to Midnight, I want to go to sleep, and my cat is stabbing my eyes with her tail.


So I will leave that for tomorrow.

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This one really caught my eye;


More than 300 people are involved in Jeremy Soule´s music


If that's true, than that means that most likely means Soule has finally used a live orchestra for making Elder Scrolls music. :dance:


Cause if I did this right in my head;

Roughly about up to 50 people for voices

A full sized orchestra is about a 100 or so + people, depending on how many people they've had for percussion parts, and that's not including anything they might have done with piano's, solo voices, or even synths. And then of course you got the Tech Dudes, which, really shouldn't be a whole lot, at the most 20, and most of that's just for setting up recording equipment, you should really only have about 5 guys involved in the actual recording, 3 main dudes with the recording software/hardware, maybe some minor dudes, Jeremy Soule himself, and probably the lead sound designer for the game(who I thoroughly believe should be involved in every single aspect of audio going into the game). And then of course you have the conducters, which, depending on the composer, only Jeremy conducted, or they had gone through a few composers depending on how long recording took. Either way, I'm very excited to hear this sound track. :D


Here's a more detailed version of that same article

Edited by jhardingame
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Uhm.... If you watch actual gameplay footage, that alone is enough to tone down some of the claims of the article. Revolutionary AI isn't some guy standing still with sword drawn, staring stupidly at his companion who just got hit by an arrow.


Much like Radiant AI of Oblivion, Radiant Story is going to be a great asset for modders, but I'm skeptical of how well Bethesda itself will do. It sounds too much like the old promises of Fable...


I really hope the info about multiple fighting styles based on race/weight/etc. is true though... That's something I've wanted in TES games for ages: characters who are competent with weapons, with a bit more finesse than 5 year olds swinging sticks...


Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised when the game comes out ^^

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