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I was under the impression that Soule was one of the few game composers who always used a live orchestra for his music?


Nope, Before now, I can only think of 1 or 2 times Soule used a live orchestra. He usually used Garriton Orchestra Libraries and did his music electronically. He did that for Morrowind and Oblivion. Even KoTOR didn't use a live orchestra, and that's a freaking Star Wars game. A Star Wars game without a live orchestra? It's insane. (Yet, I still think Soule's work on KoTOR is some of the best he's ever done.)

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I think by fighting style they're referring to how certain races are aimed towards specific archetypes.Like nordic warriors, high elf mages, khajiit thieves and whatnot.


(...)Explained by Bethesda, we can also kill a merchant transporting goods form one city to another one, and when we arrive its destiny we can see all the people talking about the merchant, that has disappeared, and also creating strange legends about this fact. Instead of killing him, we might have steal something from him. People could ask for this stolen object if they knew the merchant.


All I really heard from that line was "Merchants travel from town to town and you can rob them". :thumbsup:

Edited by Corakus
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While all that info sounds amazing, there's no doubt that some of it will not fulfill our expectations.

Things like "Changing paths of a river" could be scripted events that happen in certain areas.

Does anyone remember the lady and her dog from the Oblivion E3 demo? She paralyzed the dog because he was annoying, the developers said that this was Radiant AI,


I am hoping that Matt confirms or denies some of it today.

Even if it is not true, that won't make Skyrim a lesser game, at least they gave us some great ideas for future mods.

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I wonder if companions will be handled similar to Fallout NV (I haven't played 3 in ages, I can't remember if there is a companion wheel in it)


There wasn't one in 3.

For Skyrim I hope it's through dialogue, the companion wheel was buggy sometimes and a tad immersion breaking.



As it turns out, the Spanish magazine isn't reliable, previously on Oblivion they said that you could be a painter or a writer, and that the character faces were "photorealistic".

We are still waiting for a word from the devs, but this seems proof enough that most of what they said is not true.

Edited by Iv000
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