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In the fist question Todd mentions that hitting an opponent will be easier because of a new "Target-Magnetism" that is active. Basically melee attacks will snap to the opponent that's closest to your crosshair. A feature that's very welcome for console players.


Second question mentions what we already know - the higher the skill the more it contributes to your leveling.


This question: "It's theoretically possible to reach 100 in all skills. However, a players true potential will be only unlocked through the use of Perks. A character will be much better if you choose perks within fewer skills and within the same perk branches."


Fourth question is about level-scaling: first part of the answer is what we already know - dungeons will lock to your level once you visit them. Second part is new info: it turns out that different opponent types will be assigned to different difficulty ranges. Some monsters's range will be very wide and thus you will see many subtypes of them. Other opponents, such as bandits, will have only a very narrow difficulty span, beyond which they can neither be weaker nor stronger (i.e. for instance, if the span is 8-18 then they'll be level 8 for a starting character, but they will never scale higher than 18 once your character is lvl 20 and beyond)





Longer trans.


CBS: Are the fights in skyrim different to them in Oblivion?

TH: In oblivion it was sometimes difficult to hit the enemy, in skyrim it's easier for the player: A slight Target-Magnetism helps you striking the enemy. There are a lot of Finishing-Moves as well which, for sure, will be loved by the players.



CBS: How does the ranking work?

TH: That depends on the use of the different skills. If you mainly use the bow, the archary skill will be more important for the level up. Is your skill raising to 31 from 30 it will have more influence to the level-up than if you have a skill raised from 5 to 6.



CBS: Is it possible for the player to get all the skills up to maximum to become a mighty allrounder?

TH: theoretical it's possible to gett all the skills to max (100). However the player will get a lot of might by choosing the perks. When he gets a level-up he has to choose a perk. In that way he can improve his favourite skills. A character will always be better if he chooses all the perks in a smaller amount of skills, s the he skills deep into the tree.



CBS: Will the monsters also get stronger after the player went better?

TH: The Strength of the monsters is similar to FO3: If a player enters a dungeon this will fit the players level. Nevertheless will there be more and less difficult dungeons. Unlike in Oblivion each section will stay at its dificulty when the player leaves it and comes back later. In Skyrim the different types of monsters have a difficulty range. Some standard enemys will appear very often so that they have a lot of different levels. However there will be bandits with a limited range of strength, they cannot get more or less strong than the limitation allows.

Edited by roninmedia
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"Target Magnetism" aka auto aim... like FO3 and NV, a feature designed to make the game easier on consoles which will prove annoying and necessary of removal with a mod.


Aside from that being frustrating the rest sounds pretty good though I'm not sure how the leveled dungeons are going to work. It seems way too abusable, either through intention or accident.


I want to go into a dungeon, possibly filled with dread because the dungeon might be far beyond my ability. If I know it's tailored to my level I'm more likely to just rush in and start killing.

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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I dont know if this was mentioned but apparently according to an Italian magazine, spellmaking has been removed. Now granted, it could be a mistranslation, but then again some people could be in denial and say that. However, if this IS true, I'm a little worried about where the series may be going...which is to say, a dumbed down console market. Granted, the majority of my gaming is done on a console, but for my Bethesda games, I'll take the PC.


Where I first learned of the spellmaking removal: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1163214-skyrim-italian-coverage-thread-2/

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Argonians are disgusting lizard people and so are the Kahjit. Everytime I play oblivion I slay everyone I come across. We must liberate morrowind!



kahjit are lizard people? liberate morrorwind? im sure the argonians already renamed it to something with a lot more "s"s in it.

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People liked Level Scaling in Morrowind, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so yes, we did want improved Level Scaling... :)


Sure, there is always room for more improvements, or even a complete removal of the aspect.

But I'd rather have it in, with the possibility to turn it off with a mod, than not in at all, with no possibility to turn it on...

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If there's a CS or what ever they call it now, I'm all good. People will still change what they dislike, and within a year after it's release we'll have just enough mods around to experience a migraine when trying to choose wich mod to use.:wub:
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I will actualy wait like a year or so before playing this Skyrim...the reason? Well apart from patchs and DLC I will also want to see were the Mod comunity will take this game....all I think that making this game more for the consoles is not a bad thing....se we in the PC can change game mechanics while on the Consoles they cant....so its not really a big deal....also they took out spealmaking out of the game BECAUSE of the new magick sistem, it would be WAY to hard for them to juggle both (maybe in the future there will be a mod that adds spealmaking)
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