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This may be a newby question but, Why aren't there dwarves? They weren't in Oblivion and I haven't heard of them in anything i've watched or read. There was Dwarven armour and weapons in oblivion so they must have existed at one point, so did they get wiped out or something? Or maybe they do still exist but only live underground in secrecy so nobody knows about them? :confused:


The most popular theory as to what happened to them was that when they used a thing called the Heart of Lorkhan (See Morrowind) to win a war, the gods destroyed them for their actions. The only remaining dwarf known is Yagrum Bagarn, who was in an alternate dimension at the time due to wacky unpredictable circumstances. By the way, they're called Dwemer, not dwarves, and I need to make a mod that changes the name of dwarven armor in Oblivion.



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Both those images were already in another magazine. They are not new.


Edit: For the gay marriages part if I remember according to the lore, it is illegal in Tamriel for gay marriages. I might be wrong though.


I don't think they ever talk about marriage in the Elder Scrolls except for that couple in Bruma in Oblivion who talk about how they don't want a chapel marriage.

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The developers will be showing the character creator!

Please go to the following link, which has yet another link to a facebook page where you can vote which race they should show.



I cannot go to the facebook page, it magically sends me back to my homepage. Thank you facebook! :facepalm:

Side note: Vote Argonians! Also, this ends tomorrow at 9AM EST, so be quick!

Edited by Iv000
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Of course, you don't need to spend that much to play Skyrim/BF3 comfortably. I've seen plenty of articles for building a gaming PC for under $500 US.


Although prices are more expensive in Australia, 'sigh' and as our dollar is now close to US I don't understand why!!! A game will be $60 US over there, and $120 AUD over here. Oh well.



Hope this helps!


Actually, the Aussie dollar is buying about $1.07 US currently. It's cheaper here in Australia.



Yeah I'm aware of our strong dollar at the moment, was just saying that they pay comparitively cheaper prices in US.


I'm hoping they'll put Skyrim up for DL off a Digital Distribution site, but I'd love to get the limited edition hard copy :(

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The developers will be showing the character creator!

Please go to the following link, which has yet another link to a facebook page where you can vote which race they should show.



I cannot go to the facebook page, it magically sends me back to my homepage. Thank you facebook! :facepalm:

Side note: Vote Argonians! Also, this ends tomorrow at 9AM EST, so be quick!


YES!!!! Woohoo! :woot: This is what I want to see! :D


Am I the only one who wants to see an Imperial?

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It seems Dunmer and Nords are winning.

That's because they made the poll on facebook, on the official forums everyone is voting for Argonians.

Sad, since we already know how the human races look like, I'd like to know more about (or at least see) Argonians.

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It seems Dunmer and Nords are winning.

That's because they made the poll on facebook, on the official forums everyone is voting for Argonians.

Sad, since we already know how the human races look like, I'd like to know more about (or at least see) Argonians.



Damn! And I can't get on Fbook at work to vote for Argonians!!!



Wouldn't mind getting a better look at the Dunmer though.


How in oblivion are Nords winning!!!???

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How in oblivion are Nords winning!!!???


I repeat it's facebook.

You know, where people think "Skyrim is land of Nords, we needz to see Nords!".

While they are not noticing that the whole Skyrim gameplay was made with a Nord.

Why facebook? Why? Why not the official forums? :facepalm:

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