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Skyrim Information


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There are very simple aspects of the CS and some aspects that are fairly advanced. Simply making a fire spell that does max damage with max blast radius and duration is just about as easy as making a spell in game. Creating a new animation for casting the spell and adding a new graphic to it, while adding a new scripted effect, are the advanced aspects. Those are fairly simple as long as you follow the tutorials on scripting and whatnot.
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I heard the only races are the previous ones from Oblivion. ie Nords, Khajiit, Argonians, Dunmer, Altmer, Bretons, Bosmer, Orcs, Imperials, and Redguards.


Game Informer Feb. mag. page 51 lower left pic. says ". . . 10 unique races . . . are entirely customizable." Absolutely right! Only thing I have heard is the question of what "unique" means!?! I think its just as you described.

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Not yet, there isn't.. But I will listen to it (Haven't gotten the time to do it yet, until now...) and give a very brief summary of the most important parts. :)



Continuous Updates from the Podcast:

- No Spears.

- Two Handed/One Handed Weapon skill & Archery are the Weapon skills available. Each skill has it's own Perk Tree, with separate perks for maces, swords, axes.

- They are currently messing around with the aspect of Form Changing (Vampires, Werewolves, etc)

- Also messing around with mounts. They want to expand on that area, and are currently experimenting with it. It's in, but they don't know to what extend it will be in.

- Smithing, Echanting, Alchemy, cooking

- Spellcrafting may be in, but they are trying to figure out better ways to implement it - if they can't come up with anything new that will work out, it's out.

- Perks for different Magic Schools.

- Around 280 perks (Including Ranks).

- In the beginning, you pick your race and look, and nothing else. (No Class, Birthsign, or primary skills)

- Simple Character generation. It's simple to use, but creates much cooler, realistic or beautiful characters. Fewer, but better sliders.

- Dragon Fights are Boss Fights, so they are quite difficult.

- Dragons will be the main enemy. They can Dive down, Breathe Fire upon towns, walk on the ground.

- Different types of Dragons.

- No Dragon Riding.

- You can hire companions. There's a lot more companions than in Fallout 3, but with less personality.

- Radiant Story: More like small tasks or deeds people wants you to do, while there are also bigger and deeper quests that are not part of this system.

- Factions are in. They are different that what they've done before. There are some factions that are returning from Oblivion, but also new ones. More information about this will be given later on.

- They are quite confident that they will release the game 11.11.11.

- You will start as a prisoner. The idea around this is that there is a little bit of conflict in the beginning of the story, but the player never knows why.

- If you don't really like Oblivion, you will probably not like Skyrim.^^

- Skyrim has a very unique Style. (More Morrowind than Oblivion it seems then...)

- About the same size of Oblivion in general Landmass, but because of Mountains, it will feel bigger.

- 5 or 6 regions with unique landscape.

- Most likely it will be rated "M". - Not violence like in Fallout, but more realistic.

- The HUD comes and goes as needed, but the compass is always there. Health, Stamina and Mana comes up when needed.

- A lot more quests than in Fallout 3/Oblivion.

- Most likely no Kinect (& Similar) Support.

- You character doesn't know he's the dragonborn in the beginning, but finds out during an event with a dragon. The greybeards find out your the dragonborn, and when that happens, they will call upon you, and all of Skyrim will hear it: "Dovahkiin!".

- there WILL be 7000 steps in High Hrothgar.

- There is NO level cap. You level a lot faster than in Fallout 3/Oblivion.


And along with Todds reply to Gameplay footage not being "far off", that's all for now. :)

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