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Forearm strength







Anything you'd like to tell us? haha

Edited by natelovesyou
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(Levels up in Proof Reading)

You've leveled up. You should rest and meditate on what you've learned.

Choose 3 attributes you wish to level;


Proof reading+3




Pointless information+3


Binge drinking+2




Forearm strength


Fixed. :D

Talk about taking things way too seriously lol



Forearm strength







Anything you'd like to tell us? haha

Being honest unlike a lot of people on this site lol. Rather stay single with Skyrim coming out. Don't have to share attention or feel guilty about it.
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Better Steam than Games for Windows Live

GFWL you can actually just remove from your system. You can just delete it and change fallout 3 to never actually use it. If I can do that to Steam then it'll be better.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I hate Steam as well, but I knew months ago it was on Steam. Matt told me, well and Todd loves Steam. But still now the >2Gb option in the CFF Explorer has gone to waste. In other words if you have 12GB like me but Bethsoft won't allow a 64bit exe which they said already, now 12GB of RAM is going to be there for nothing. Now if I do get Open Cities for Skyrim it will lag a lot unless I get past the RAM limit. (I'm not saying Skyrim will be laggy at start I'm saying that once you get a lot of mods it will become laggy, that is depending on your computer. Still the RAM limit makes it harder for the FPS to be as good. I remember Todd saying that the RAM on the consoles has made open cities not possible but now it will be hard for PC users as well that want to get past Most of Steams RAM limitation.) Still I played G4WL Fallout 3. It was way less laggy than Steam's. Mainly because when I used CFF Explorer which increased my RAM usage on Fallout 3 and allowed for more mods. Plus FOSE automatically disables G4WL which results in better Steam. (Mods can as well.) Steam can't be disabled and it is annoying So Steam has many limitations many are not aware of. Still going to get Skyrim, Steam is not as friendly of a "platform" to mod as no DRM is of course. I knew Skyrim was Steam only months ago, but still this will not stop my love for Skyrim. Not canceling my CE Edition for this. :)


Ditto, I'm not canceling my CE either. With such loving communities, we'll find a work-around to most of the issues.

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Anyways if I wanted to cancel my pre-order for Skyrim I would have never pre-ordered it. As before I knew this from April and have told many. GStaff was the one that said it will be on Steam only.( I was told back in April via Facebook.) Yes I have told many but you know how that is they wanted proof. I showed them it but it was not enough. Still I guess this brings something up about the lawsuit don't believe just one side and that on the other side everyone agrees with it or whatever. Just like in the U.S. we are in a Conflict, but many don't agree in the U.S choice for not backing out and the decision on the matter,right? Same with Bethsoft many don't agree with the lawsuit either. Many think that Freedom mean Freedom of Speech and all that stuff means they can go to a School and curse the children out basically do what they want. But with Freedom you have limits still. I'm sure in Bethsoft and many other companies if Todd gets in a fight over this matter BGS could face a lot of problems such as financing and other things. So in the freedom manner that does not mean you can curse your Boss out and Threaten him and other stuff and get away with it. Freedom does not mean Anarchy where everyone can do whatever get away with whatever and get away with it. Still I'm saying this because those who will say Todd can do whatever he wants with repercussion. In fact he will get a repercussion. I hope people see what I mean there are many examples and metaphors that can prove this.
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I'm actually thankful that they removed those annoying effects that were in Oblivion.

And it's a sword enchanted with fire, not a fire sword. That would be the most logical explanation to why it has no fire effect.


I'm not against elemental effects on weapons, but against the stupid glow that Oblivion had.

Also, they said that when you find an enchanted weapon that you won't know with what it's enchanted until you try it out, making the whole process of finding expensive enchanted weapons more fun and satisfying.


I agree; the "outline" effects were hideous. As disappointed as I am that there will be no flaming swords, the experimental nature of finding enchanted weapons sounds awesome!


"Hey, a new axe!"

*Swings at Horker*

*Horker turns invisible*



Clearly an exaggeration, but I agree that there's much more fun to be had when there's a bit of mystery thrown in. You know, make the magic feel...magical? And not spreadsheety.

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New News, lol. According to IMDB a new actor has appeared, Rob Locke as commoner/additional voices. This is at all not saying that there won't be around 70 actors. But even with 70 voice actors it would be impossible for no one Actor to not do another NPC besides those like Max Von Sydow of course because there are going to be 100's or around even 1,000 NPC's in Skyrim. (That is of course for the ones that are doing lesser characters so called. Max Von Sydow is doing one very important character if say someone less famous or something got in they would do multiple because Budget issues. There are those famous as well that do multiple people as well of course. But that is usually because they can do multiple voice accents/personalities well.) For those that complain about this (Not any of you a lot on the other sites do this.) to be unique I am sure there would have to be over 1,000 Voice Actors in Skyrim. I'm sure everyone can agree that for BGS to be able to use more money on the game resource and other stuff than Voice Actors is better. 70 VA, people may complain still but what do they want? Bethesda to spend Millions on Voice Acting which is actually (From what I've been told Oblivion took 20 Million to make while Skyrim will be 100 Million to make and the Voice Acting is over 50 Million or so for that, at least what I've been told. But still it is definitely more than Oblivion's) happening. Two reasons why games don't use many actors for Voice Acting. One is of course the more voice acting the more Disc Space taken up which leads to less of other things. Two is money and the Budget.
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