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I didn't see an achievement when you turn into a vampire. I personally think it's an achievement, either to become one or either to get rid of it. Ah well, the Dark Brotherhood achievements all sound fantastic! :woot:
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Sweeeeeet. No I can feed my obsession of Skyrim while playing and do some achievement hunting. :thumbsup:
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Never understood this achievement thing, what is suppose to do?Give us some special stuff?What´s the point?
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Never understood this achievement thing, what is suppose to do?Give us some special stuff?What´s the point?


Achievements are like little goals or challenges for the Xbox 360. It gives you Gamerscore every time you earn an achievement. Gamerscore continues to go up in numbers.

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Never understood this achievement thing, what is suppose to do?Give us some special stuff?What´s the point?


Achievements and trophies are "rewards" on Xbox and PS3 respectively, which you get for completing special tasks within a game. It usually has no effect on the game itself, it's just for boasting yourself on the network.

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XD I see, I couldn´t care less what people think of me playing XD "Congratulations you got to level 5 and now you´r cool" XDXD I have ps3 and never payed attention to my or others trophies.
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Achievements are almost just as implemented in most Steam-games nowadays as well though, so I expect them to be there as well. It can be quite fun with linear short games where you want more entertainment for your spent money. But for a game like Skyrim I personally think it's just not necessary. Possibly if there are some twisted humor to them, but I couldnt care less for getting pointless achievements for simply just playing the game. It's a console-thang :huh: :D


A little spoiler-warning on reading those achievements though!

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One thing I noticed is that the elk is much faster than the player, in oblivion you could run faster than a deer XD


... only after you worked for it... poor observation see'ing as in Oblivion you were in the same boat, being outran as a new character.

It's alittle annoying that we can't work our speed up anymore, but there'll be things like boots of speed and possibly a perk for it.


eventually... we will catch that elk(or moose, or whatever)


I'll be happy if my arrow catches it... nothing in this world (RL) tastes as good as a Sirloin Roast from an Elk.... seriously, it is delicious. ;)


How about Sirloin roast from a dragon? :biggrin:


I imagine dragon would taste like lizzard or igauna... which I hear tastes just like chicken. lol

I bet that we do have to collect some items off of dead dragons for Dragon Armor or something at the latter stages of the game. ;)

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