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Watching The Two Towers at the moment. Was some time since I last saw that movie. And when they arrived at Rohan I thought I had seen something similar somewhere else, and came up with this:







I want to see Bethesda's inspiration for Skyrim, since I think those two cities have something in common! :thumbsup:

Edited by hejpadig
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yeah, I thought of Rohan the first time I saw that pic.... some of the parts of the demo video make me think of it as well. even my wife who is not a LOTR junkie (like I am) said, "hey, that looks like that place in Lord of the Rings with the horse people." ;)
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This game is becoming A LOT like Fable... Not that that's a bad thing :D


its true .. Ive been replaying fable2 and 3 just to pass the time waiting for skyrim .. and I'm noticing a tone of things that Skyrim is taking from the games .. fable 2's 3D menu system .. fable 3's 3D map .. friendship quests for NPCs .. Jobs .. marriage to NPCs .. just today we found out you can kill someone and take their house .. that shows the house system works more like fable where any house you can own .. all in all they are taking good things from fable.

Yeah, and all those things were first introduced in Fable, and were NEVER ever used by any other game before them. :rolleyes:


I hear the sarcasm .. but point me to the games using those features in the manner that fable ans skyrim are using them please .. they sound like good games .. of couse Ive seen games let you marry NPCs but they are normally pre defined .. Ive seen games use friendship quests but once again .. they are normally pre defined.

Oh, I never said not pre-defined. It's still the same feature, just with some tweaks.

Lots of games have 3D menu systems, not so many got 3D maps. Killing someone and takes their house - Last time I checked, you could do that in Morrowind...

Don't exactly know what you mean about Friendship quests though, as in TES, people you do quests for have always liked you better afterwards...


But my point is that they are not "taking" anything from Fable. Marriage is not something Fable invented, 3D menu systems is not something Fable invented, 3D maps is not something Fable invented. All these features are things that are in all developers minds when they make a game, but not always prioritized.


And about that in bold there: "...in the manner that Fable and Skyrim are using them..." - Fable and Skyrim aren't using them in the same manner. :P


Well, I never thought that this would spark such a great debate. Lol. But yeah, I wasn't saying that it was a bad thing, just saying that there was something missing from Oblivion and that they may have found it... Maybe Bethesda should approach Lion Head and create a whole new game together... Looking forward to playing Skyrim :D

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I'd like everyone to see how biased and uneducated this author is on IGN.com. I have a feeling this was posted just to spark some debates. Enjoy!!




It's so biased it had to have been posted just to start debates. The guy sounds like he's just mad because Skyrim's getting more hype than his precious Dark Souls. Not to say Dark Souls is bad, but a lot of the "facts" he claims about Skyrim sounds like he pulled them out of his ass.

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whatever .. hes comparing two games that are nothing alike .. then he brings up some really stupid points like DLC,Multiplayer,improvments over last game,difficulty,dragons .. first off .. dark souls has better dragons because why? .. this guy is nuts .. difficulty .. hmm.. I wonder wich will win *derp* .. improvments over last game .. well demon souls was a low budget underdog and the new one has a cult fallowing an high budget .. I wonder why it would possible be imrpoved uppon .. multiplayer? .. whatever .. I hope TES never has multiplayer .. DLC? .. beth has the best history of DLC than any other game franchise ever .. of course they will have DLC .. thats the most obvious thing in the world .. and it will be finished on launch .. they wont hold back content .. this guy just made s*** up and posted it to get flames started .. nothing more.
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