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I'd like everyone to see how biased and uneducated this author is on IGN.com. I have a feeling this was posted just to spark some debates. Enjoy!!





The funniest part is?


He complains that Dark Souls is superior because they don't have any DLC planned. If it was the other way around, and Dark Souls had a few DLCs already planned before release and Skyrim wasn't going to do DLC he would be complaining that Dark Souls is superior because it's going to be expanded later.


As for friendship quests and marriage, I still think they're going to be gimmicky as all hell. Them and jobs were obviously added just for the purpose of being there.

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whatever .. hes comparing two games that are nothing alike .. then he brings up some really stupid points like DLC,Multiplayer,improvments over last game,difficulty,dragons .. first off .. dark souls has better dragons because why? .. this guy is nuts .. difficulty .. hmm.. I wonder wich will win *derp* .. improvments over last game .. well demon souls was a low budget underdog and the new one has a cult fallowing an high budget .. I wonder why it would possible be imrpoved uppon .. multiplayer? .. whatever .. I hope TES never has multiplayer .. DLC? .. beth has the best history of DLC than any other game franchise ever .. of course they will have DLC .. thats the most obvious thing in the world .. and it will be finished on launch .. they wont hold back content .. this guy just made s*** up and posted it to get flames started .. nothing more.

I had the same feeling, this guy is a douche.

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I'd like everyone to see how biased and uneducated this author is on IGN.com. I have a feeling this was posted just to spark some debates. Enjoy!!




It's so biased it had to have been posted just to start debates. The guy sounds like he's just mad because Skyrim's getting more hype than his precious Dark Souls. Not to say Dark Souls is bad, but a lot of the "facts" he claims about Skyrim sounds like he pulled them out of his ass.


Oh lawdy, just read the article and laughed my nuts off. The guy who wrote it is obviously a console fanboy, and thus his "opinion" is INVALID. I bet he would also say that MW3 is better than BF3... That would be funny.

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To be honest; I have NEVER read such a biased article before! ;D


To even bring up the point of Multiplayer when one of the games don't have it proves that he is a outright sucky, crappy and well, biased writer!

DLC: when did this become a bad thing? When Skyrim had it, and Dark Souls did not perhaps? Anyone else would give praise to Skyrim for having DLCs.

Epic Scope: Wha... What??! He brings up the fact that Skyrim is no bigger than Oblivion in landmass and uses that as a negative thing, THEN says that Oblivion had too much landmass. :blink:


That article is like me saying:

Skyrim will have mods, Dark Souls will not.

Winner: Skyrim

Edited by Zaldiir
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I'd like everyone to see how biased and uneducated this author is on IGN.com. I have a feeling this was posted just to spark some debates. Enjoy!!




It's so biased it had to have been posted just to start debates. The guy sounds like he's just mad because Skyrim's getting more hype than his precious Dark Souls. Not to say Dark Souls is bad, but a lot of the "facts" he claims about Skyrim sounds like he pulled them out of his ass.


biggest laugh I had all month this guy is abit out of it he puts the D in douche. You just have to smack your head after you read that post I mean seriously trying to compare skyrim to darksouls how about he go find and compare a far more inferior linear rpg so maybe his game might beat it. Skyrim will utterly just destroy that game in every aspect its like racing a Geo Tracker against a Lamborghini you know what will win!

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I can understand the objection to DLC in principle. Certain awful game publishers demand a game be broken up into pieces then sold as DLC. Like that thing with needing to use a code to activate multiplayer (and paying 10 bucks if you didn't get the game new). Yes, this practice is bulls***.


Yet, I can't agree with the writer because Bethesda doesn't do this with DLC. Bethesda's DLCs are basically official mods that you have to pay for.

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that idiot.. when he TRIED to compare dragons it was not even an argumentative stance... he just said oh dark souls dragons are so better based off blah blah blah blah.. total bs argument.. no facts or evidence included.. what an idiot.
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So there would be no need for me to read this Xbox Skyrim Review then, the guy just complains :mellow:

It's not a review.

The guy is just "comparing" the two games. He's obviously a Dark Souls fan-boy so he bashes Skyrim.

Just don't read it, it's written by an idiot.

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