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Minimum Required HDD space; 7GB

Recommended HDD space; 6gb


I don't get it.


edit; blarg. They changed it both to 6gb.

Edited by jhardingame
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i'm sorry if you think you're that much better than everyone else... :\


I dont, but anyone can use google or at least take a look at previous answers instead of flooding away eachothers posts :wacko:

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Mr. Bravo is right, if you have been foaming at the mouth to get the specs you could have read a PC hardware article in the meantime. It's really simple to understand.


Alright, let me compare this:


My specs

i7 2630QM 2.0 Ghz


4GB ram


GT 540M 2,7 GB


Skyrim specs


Win XP/7,

quad-core Intel/AMD CPU,



DX compat snd card, DX9 vid card w/ 1 GB. GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher


First off, it says quad core intel. I have an intel, but my computer doesn't say if it's quadcore (I had to look it up) or not. People with experience can tell, most cannot, this is a first difficulty.


4GB of RAM can be confusing because of the recent questions about vista ect... and 32/64 bit computers.


6GB of HD was confusing as well, some people translated it as High Definition instead of hard disk!


DX9 vid card, most people can't tell what they have unless checking can you run it.


GTX 260/ Radeon 4890 or higher. People still can't tell what it means if numbers being higher or lower means better or worse. It doesn't list other brand than that (I think these two are the most popular), so people will still ask questions about those. Same goes for laptop video cards.


Hope this explains a bit about why there are so many questions. People just want to know if they can run it, it doesn't mean they're experts.

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Mr. Bravo is right, if you have been foaming at the mouth to get the specs you could have read a PC hardware article in the meantime. It's really simple to understand.


Alright, let me compare this:


My specs

i7 2630QM 2.0 Ghz


4GB ram


GT 540M 2,7 GB


Skyrim specs


Win XP/7,

quad-core Intel/AMD CPU,



DX compat snd card, DX9 vid card w/ 1 GB. GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher


First off, it says quad core intel. I have an intel, but my computer doesn't say if it's quadcore (I had to look it up) or not. People with experience can tell, most cannot, this is a first difficulty.


4GB of RAM can be confusing because of the recent questions about vista ect... and 32/64 bit computers.


6GB of HD was confusing as well, some people translated it as High Definition instead of hard disk!


DX9 vid card, most people can't tell what they have unless checking can you run it.


GTX 260/ Radeon 4890 or higher. People still can't tell what it means if numbers being higher or lower means better or worse. It doesn't list other brand than that (I think these two are the most popular), so people will still ask questions about those. Same goes for laptop video cards.


Hope this explains a bit about why there are so many questions. People just want to know if they can run it, it doesn't mean they're experts.

I'm still not sure how you are confused. If you have played any game in the last few years you have DX9. In fact, most games ask you to install it when you are installing the game. Do you read any of the stuff that pops up when you are installing a new game?


6gb of highdeffinition... what? It can't mean hidef if it's not a hidef anything, so it must mean something else like hard drive.


i7 is one of the latest higher end CPUs available, of course it is compatible with most games but I would hope would have known that when you purchased your computer.

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As I put it in the computer thread. You can have fun with your vanilla skyrim, I will be riding dragons.


All these "will it run" questions should stay in the propper thread. And people we have our specs, it isnt that hard to compare. Truth be told, all we can do is compare because until we get some gametime we wont see how it runs on those systems.

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hey i'm not too savy with computer specs and if anyone could give me a pointer or heads up i would thank them with kudos.. here are my specs. are these good enough for high settings or low settings?


Intel® Core i5-2500k CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.70 GHz

4.00 GB - Ram

64- Bit Operating System


Graphic Card - ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series


Hard Drive Space - 842 GB Free Space


Did i forgot anything ? thanks

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