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South Sudan to vote for independence!


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Well they've voted for secession, lets hope its accepted by the north.

Yeah, that's a very good point. Now we'll see if China's strong-arm tactics in the North have paid off their due fruits.


Well now the situation has changed because of what is happening in Tunis and Egypt ,apparently there is starting to be voices raised in N Sudan about removing the Khartoum government .This whole thing that started in Tunis seems to be spreading.This is just so odd according to one report the people of Tunis took inspiration from the voting process that was occurring in South Sudan to carry out their own overthrow of their government ,which gave the Egyptian people the idea they could do the same ,which is giving other people in the region ideas they could do the same including N Sudan.If this all resolves itself so that a more democratic form of gov takes hold its genesis could really be due to China (A Communist nation) having put pressure on the N Sudan gov to resolve the situation with the south ,which because it was going along successfully spread to the rest of the region.This could turn out to be one of the greatest political paradox's of history.


Sudan Clash

Edited by Harbringe
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