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What will your first character be?


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I've had Gersilla for way too long to let her go now. Hopefully, Fufu will also be along to keep her company. She'll be pretty much be like in Oblivion...female elven archer built for speed. She who shoots and runs away lives to adventure another day
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I have more than one character in mind.


Sigrun - Female Nord - Lawful Good

Based on the Valkyries from Norse Mythology she uses a longsword & shield, a two handed sword, or a halberd, with heavy armor, restoration magic, and something along the lines of acrobatics or athletics for a fast and agile style warrior.


Lucian - Male Imperial - Lawful Evil

Douchebag mage that has some martial abilities. Will be a werewolf if they are in Skyrim.


Raikov - Male Dark Elf - Chaotic Neutral

Stealth character he uses dual shortswords, bows, light armor, sneak, alchemy, and magic to help his stealth like detect life, night eye, chameleon. Will be a vampire if they are in Skyrim.

Edited by NAPALM13092
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my side-characters;


Harry Copperfield Dresden: Chaotic Good with a snarky mouth Mage who has some bashing with stick skills (blunt two-handed). he likes fire, lots of fire, and maybe a modded .44 :tongue: Dark hair with a scrappy beard


Kylar Stern: The Night Angel, chaotic neutral, pure assassin, poison, dual-wielding blades, sneak to the max and ultimate survivor :laugh: Grey eyes and a haunted face :ninja:


main character;


Kitai: chaotic evil, the black cat, thief, bowazon, breaker of hearts, pure white hair, pale skin, and shining green eyes


my apologies to Jim Butcher and Brent Weeks for my blatent plagiarism


all characters will be the races that suit their skills and appearance best

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Like i said before, Big nord barbarian with a huge beard and a scar, who wears either robes or light armor, uses claymores, destruction magic, conjuration,alchemy,enchanting etc. a battlemage
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Most likely will be the character I most often use, an Imperial Battlemage.


On my second go around I will probably use my other favorite character, a pure Knight class, usually a Nord is used for that one.

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