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What will your first character be?


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Orc or Nord, may branch out to try a Redguard out finally unless I scratch that itch between now and then with Oblivion. I normally "custom" a jack of all trades insofar as weapons and armor go, prevents restarting if I want to go all stealth for a while or full plate and smash mouth. Restoration and alchemy skill is key to my survival.
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I'll definitely be going male Redguard or Argoni-...No I won't. I'll end up playing a female Breton sorceress using a 2-handed blade with a total focus on offensive capabilities. It's what always happens regardless of whatever else I think I'm gonna do.
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I imagine I will go Nord (Male) the first time around, they have always been my favorite race in TES and since this is Skyrim, it only seems fitting. :) It looks as if the traditional classes are being dealt away with :/ so I guess my character's class will all depend on how I wish to RP with him... mostly likely an in your face barbarian with Restorative powers. If I like the game enough to play a second time (which I expect I will) it will be as either a straight up mage, probably high elf, or a stealthy, ranged character, either Khajit or Bosmer.
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Depending on the looks and my mood at the time, I'll go with either a Khajiit or Argonian assassin/marksman. Then, I'll dungeon-dive until my eyes plop out! :D


Of course, a kitty/lizzie mage or conjurer would be quite nice, too. If nothing else, to prove that beasts can use magic as well.

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Hmm my favorite is a <race thats purdy> that can punch yer lights out or melt yer face off with firey magik!

so I believe I'll have to wait and see what the classes look like. But there will be punching. Lots of punching! (she's crazy too, doesn't wear armor- just 0 weight clothing) so I can carry more epic fat lewtz to bring home and display! I think I'll go neutral as I can with side quests. Really get into the game and then see the main quest. But omg the punching! ...say....any news on fistycuff type weapons?

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